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Javascript heat-map
if(typeof Example==="undefined"||!Example){var Example = {};} if (typeof tkjs === 'undefined' || !tkjs) {var tkjs = {};} if (typeof tkjs.heatmap === 'undefined' || !tkjs.heatmap) {tkjs.heatmap = {};} if (typeof tkjs.heatmap.view === 'undefined' || !tkjs.heatmap.view) {tkjs.heatmap.view = {};} // LinkData.getObjects(workId, fileId, sbjId, propId) tkjs.heatmap.load_linkdata = function() { var prop, work, works, workId, filename, filenames, fileId, subjects, subject, subjectId, property, properties, propertyId, row, col, rows, cols, line, header, genelist, samplelist, cell, i, j, genes, values, hm, prop2, samples; works = LinkData.getWorks(); console.log("HANDLING SUCKING LINKDATA"); console.log("works=" + works); console.log(typeof(works)); hm = null; for (prop in works) { if (works.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { console.log(works[prop]); workId = works[prop]; console.log('workId = ' + workId); filenames = LinkData.getFiles(workId); console.log('filenames = ' + filenames); console.log(typeof(filenames)); console.log(filenames[0]); filename = filenames[0]; properties = LinkData.getProperties(workId, filename); subjects = LinkData.getSubjects(workId, filename); // console.log("properties : " + (typeof properties)) //console.log(properties); // console.log("subjects : " + (typeof subjects)); // console.log(subjects); cols = properties.length - 1; rows = subjects.length; genes = []; property = properties[0]; for (i = 0; i < subjects.length; i++) { cell = LinkData.getObjects(workId, filename, subjects[i], property); genes.push(cell.toString().split(',')[0]); } samples = []; for (i = 2; i < properties.length; i++) { property = properties[i].toString().split('#'); samples.push(property[property.length - 1]); } console.log(samples); //console.log( // console.log(tkjs.heatmap.HeatMap); hm = new tkjs.heatmap.HeatMap(genes); hm.set_color_scale(4.0); for (i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) { values = []; for (j = 0; j < subjects.length; j++) { cell = parseFloat(LinkData.getObjects(workId, filename, subjects[j], properties[i + 2]).toString()); values.push(cell); } hm.set_array(samples[i], new Float32Array(values)); console.log(samples[i] + " : " + values); } // for (i = 0; i < properties. // hm.set_array( for (i = 0; i < subjects.length; i++) { line = ""; for (j = 0; j < properties.length; j++) { cell = LinkData.getObjects(workId, filename, subjects[i], properties[j]); if (j === 0) { line = cell; } else { line += ", " + parseFloat(cell).toFixed(2); } } console.log(line); if (i >= 10) { break;} } break; } } console.log("BYE SUCKING LINKDATA"); return hm; }; Example.getWorks = function() { return LinkData.getWorks(); }; Example.getFiles = function(workId) { return LinkData.getFiles(workId); }; Example.getSubjects = function(workId, fileName) { return LinkData.getSubjects(workId, fileName); }; Example.getProperties = function(workId, fileName) { return LinkData.getProperties(workId, fileName); }; Example.getObjects = function(workId, fileName, subject, property) { return LinkData.getObjects(workId, fileName, subject, property); }; window.onload = function() { var hm; hm = tkjs.heatmap.load_linkdata(); if (hm === null) { hm = tkjs.heatmap.HeatMap.create_dummy(); // } else { // console.log('skip slider'); // selem.slider({values:hm.get_view_range()}); } tkjs.heatmap.set_heatmap(hm); // slider and events var selem = $("#slider"); selem.slider({orientation:"vertical", range:true,min:0,max:100,values:[0,100], slide:tkjs.heatmap.change_view}); $("#graph").bind('mousedown', tkjs.heatmap.startdrag); $("#graph").bind('mousemove', tkjs.heatmap.drag); document.addEventListener('mouseup', tkjs.heatmap.enddrag); /* if (typeof(inserted_data) !== 'undefined' && inserted_data.genes.length > 1 && Math.abs(parseFloat(inserted_data.scale)) >= 1.0 && inserted_data.columns.length > 1 && > 5) { if (typeof(inserted_data.code) !== 'undefined' && inserted_data.length >= 10) { tkjs.heatmap.code_string = inserted_data.code; } var hm = tkjs.heatmap.HeatMap.load_data(inserted_data); tkjs.heatmap.set_heatmap(hm); selem.slider({values:hm.get_view_range()}); } else { // console.log("dummy data"); tkjs.heatmap.set_heatmap(tkjs.heatmap.HeatMap.create_dummy()); } */ // generate legend box $('#legend').draggable({'containment':'parent'}).css("z-index", 2000); document.body.onmousewheel = tkjs.heatmap.scroll_view; // document.getElementById("container").add }; window.onload_ = function() { console.log("onload"); var limit = 5; var count = 0; $.each(Example.getWorks(), function(workKey, workValue) { $("#result").append("<h3>Work: " + workValue + "</h3>"); $.each(Example.getFiles(workValue), function(fileKey, fileValue) { $("#result").append("<h4>File: " + fileValue + "</h4>"); $.each(Example.getSubjects(workValue, fileValue), function(subjKey, subjValue) { count = 0; $.each(Example.getProperties(workValue, fileValue), function(propKey, propValue) { if(count++ > limit) { return false; } $("#result").append("<div style='padding-top:10px;'>Subject : " + subjValue + "</div>"); $("#result").append("<div style='padding-left:10px;'>Property : " + propValue + "</div>"); $("#result").append("<div style='padding-left:20px;'>Objects</div>"); $.each(Example.getObjects(workValue, fileValue, subjValue, propValue), function(objKey, objValue) { $("#result").append("<div style='padding-left:30px;'>" + objValue + "</div>"); }); }); }); }); }); }; tkjs.__Environment = function() { var i; this.browser = navigator.userAgent; this.platform = navigator.platform; if ( navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") >= 0) { this.os = "Windows"; } else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf("Linux") >= 0 ) { this.os = "Linux"; } else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf("BSD") >= 0 ) { this.os = "BSD"; } else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf("MacIntel") >= 0 ) { this.os = "Intel Mac"; } else if ( navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") >= 0 ) { this.os = "Mac"; } try { $.ajax({type:"GET", url:"js/tklib.js", dataType:"javascript", async:false, success:function(data, dataType) { // debug("successful loading " + data.length); if (data.length > 10) { tkjs.__Environment.__supports_get = true; } else { tkjs.__Environment.__supports_get = false; } }, error:function(){ tkjs.__Environment.__supports_get = false; } }); tkjs.__Environment.__supports_jquery = true; } catch (e) { tkjs.__Environment.__supports_jquery = false; tkjs.__Environment.__supports_get = false; } try { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var ctx = null; var children = document.childNodes; var parent = null; for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) { if ( children[i].nodeType === 1 ) { // element parent = children[i]; break; } } if ( parent) { parent.appendChild(canvas); ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.fillText("test", 0, 0); this.__supports_canvas = true; parent.removeChild(canvas); } else { this.__supports_canvas = false; } } catch (e1) { this.__supports_canvas = false; } this.__supports_console = this.browser.indexOf("WebKit") >= 0; this.supports_canvas = function() { return this.__supports_canvas; }; this.supports_jquery_get = function() { return tkjs.__Environment.__supports_get; }; this.supports_console = function() { return this.__supports_console; }; this.toString = function() { var contents = ""; contents += "Browser : " + this.browser + "\n"; contents += "Platform : " + this.platform + ", "; contents += "OS : " + this.os + ", "; contents += "Cnavas : " + (this.supports_canvas() ? "YES" : "NO"); contents += ", Get : " + (this.supports_jquery_get() ? "YES" : "NO") + "\n"; return contents; }; }; tkjs.__Environment.__supports_get = false; tkjs.environment = new tkjs.__Environment(); if (!tax_id) {var tax_id = 10090;} var counter = 0; tkjs.heatmap.apikey = '89bf333c92ac9220c5f0f36527fbe786'; //// initialize heatmap using variable inserted_data. function initialize() { console.log("initialized 150"); // slider and events var selem = $("#slider"); selem.slider({orientation:"vertical", range:true,min:0,max:100,values:[0,100], slide:tkjs.heatmap.change_view}); $("#graph").bind('mousedown', tkjs.heatmap.startdrag); $("#graph").bind('mousemove', tkjs.heatmap.drag); document.addEventListener('mouseup', tkjs.heatmap.enddrag); if (typeof(inserted_data) !== 'undefined' && inserted_data.genes.length > 1 && Math.abs(parseFloat(inserted_data.scale)) >= 1.0 && inserted_data.columns.length > 1 && > 5) { if (typeof(inserted_data.code) !== 'undefined' && inserted_data.length >= 10) { tkjs.heatmap.code_string = inserted_data.code; } var hm = tkjs.heatmap.HeatMap.load_data(inserted_data); tkjs.heatmap.set_heatmap(hm); selem.slider({values:hm.get_view_range()}); } else { // console.log("dummy data"); tkjs.heatmap.set_heatmap(tkjs.heatmap.HeatMap.create_dummy()); } // generate legend box $('#legend').draggable({'containment':'parent'}).css("z-index", 2000); document.body.onmousewheel = tkjs.heatmap.scroll_view; // document.getElementById("container").add } // receive resizing event function resized() { var width = $("#contents").width(); var height = $("#contents").height(); repaint(); $("#slider").css("height", (height - 16) + "px"); } // receive repaint request function repaint() { var container = document.getElementById("contents"); var container_box = container.getBoundingClientRect(); var cnv = document.getElementById("graph"); var bounds = cnv.getBoundingClientRect(); var ctx = cnv.getContext("2d"); var width = bounds.width; var height = container_box.height; cnv.setAttribute("width", width + "px"); cnv.setAttribute("height", container_box.height + "px"); $("#graph").css("height", height);; ctx.fillStyle = "black"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); ctx.restore(); if (tkjs.heatmap.current_map) { tkjs.heatmap.current_map.paint(cnv, width, height, document.getElementById("genelist")); } } tkjs.heatmap.HeatMap = function(genes) { // this.__genes = genes; this.nrows = genes.length; this.ncols = 0; this.row_top = this.nrows; this.row_bottom = 0; this.array_titles = []; this.arrays = [];//new Array(); this.__colored_values = [];//new Array(); this.__colormodel = null; this.__scale = 4.0; this.__reversed = false; this.__rows = genes; this.__genes = [];//new Array(); this.__probes = {};//new Object(); var i; for (i = 0; i < genes.length; i++) { var items = genes[i].split('///'); this.__genes.push(items[0]); if (items.length > 1) { this.__probes[items[0]] = items[1]; } } this.get_probes = function(symbol) { var probe = this.__probes[symbol]; var val = null; if (typeof(probe) !== 'undefined') { val = probe.split('//'); } return val; }; this.set_row = function(row_min, row_max) { if (row_min < row_max) { this.row_top = Math.min(this.nrows, row_max); this.row_bottom = Math.max(0, row_min); } }; this.get_view_range = function() { return [this.row_bottom, this.row_top]; }; this.paint = function(canvas, width, height, table) { if (this.nrows === 0 || this.ncols === 0 || this.row_bottom === this.row_top) { return; } var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");; var pixels_per_column = parseFloat(width) / this.ncols; var pixels_per_row = parseFloat(height) / (this.row_top - this.row_bottom); var cell_height = Math.floor(pixels_per_row + 1); var cell_width = pixels_per_column;//parseInt(pixels_per_column + 1); var x = 0; var row, col; for (col = 0; col < this.arrays.length; col++) { var array = this.arrays[col]; var colors = this.__colored_values[col]; var y = height - pixels_per_row; var iy = height;//0; for (row = this.row_bottom; row < this.row_top; row++) { var iy2 = Math.floor(y); if (iy2 !== iy) { iy = iy2; ctx.fillStyle = colors[row]; ctx.fillRect(x, iy, cell_width, cell_height); } y -= pixels_per_row; } x += cell_width;//pixels_per_column; } // ctx.fillStyle = 'white'; ctx.restore(); while (table.firstChild) {table.removeChild(table.firstChild);} if (pixels_per_row > 9.0 && typeof(table) !== 'undefined') { var font_size = 'xx-small'; if (pixels_per_row > 30) { font_size = 'x-large'; } else if (pixels_per_row > 15) { font_size = 'large'; } else if (pixels_per_row > 10) { font_size = 'medium'; } else { font_size = 'small'; } // var y = height - pixels_per_row * 1.5 - (this.row_top - this.row_bottom - 1.5) * pixels_per_row; y = height -(this.row_top - this.row_bottom) * pixels_per_row; table = $(table); for (row = this.row_bottom; row < this.row_top; row++) { var elem = $(document.createElement("span")); elem.text(this.__genes[this.row_top - (row - this.row_bottom) - 1]); elem.attr("class", "label").css("top", Math.floor(y) + "px"); table.append(elem); y += pixels_per_row; } $(".label").css("font-size", font_size).bind('click', tkjs.heatmap.click_label); } }; this.set_array = function(title, values) { this.array_titles.push(title); this.arrays.push(values); var colors = []; // values [-1,1] for (i = 0; i < this.nrows; i++) { // var value = i < values.length ? values[i] : 0.0; colors.push(this.get_color(values[i]));//value)); } this.__colored_values.push(colors); this.ncols ++; }; this.get_title = function(index) { return this.array_titles[index]; }; this.set_color_scale = function(scale, reversed) { this.__scale = scale; this.__reversed = reversed; }; // value [-1,1] => green to red this.get_color = function(value) { if (this.__colormodel) { return this.__colormodel(value); } var r, g, b; if (this.__reversed) { value = -value; } // console.log(value + " <- " + this.__scale); if (value < 0.0) { r = 0; g = Math.min(255, Math.floor(value * -256)); b = 0; } else { r = Math.min(255, Math.floor(value * 256)); g = 0; b = 0; } return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')'; }; }; tkjs.heatmap.create_instance = function(genes, arrays) { var rows = genes.split(','); var hm = new tkjs.heatmap.HeatMap(rows); var i, j; for (i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) { var array_contents = arrays[i].split(','); var values = [];//new Array(); var coded = array_contents[1]; for (j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) { var value = (h2d(array_contents[1].slice(j * 2, j * 2 + 2)) - 128) * 0.03; values.push(value); } hm.set_array(array_contents[0], new Float32Array(values)); } return hm; }; tkjs.heatmap.convert_code_to_value = function(valuestring, pos, length, base) { var value = 0; var i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { value *= base; var index = tkjs.heatmap.code_string.indexOf(valuestring.charAt(pos)); if (index > 0) { value += index; } pos ++; } return value; }; tkjs.heatmap.create_instance_2 = function(genes, microarrays, data, scale) { if (typeof(scale) === 'undefined') { scale = 4.0; } else { scale = parseFloat(scale); } if (Math.abs(scale) < 1.0) { scale = 1.0; } var rows = genes.split(','); var columns = microarrays.split(','); var hm = new tkjs.heatmap.HeatMap(rows); hm.set_color_scale(Math.abs(scale), scale < 0.0); var ptr = 0; var characters_per_value = 2; var base = tkjs.heatmap.code_string.length; var maximum = Math.pow(base, characters_per_value); var coeff = 2.0 / maximum; var i, j; for (i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { var array_contents = microarrays[i].split(','); var values = []; for (j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) { var value = (tkjs.heatmap.convert_code_to_value(data, ptr, characters_per_value, base) - maximum * 0.5) * coeff; values.push(value); ptr += 2; } hm.set_array(columns[i], new Float32Array(values)); } return hm; }; tkjs.heatmap.code_string = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-"; function h2d(hexnumber) { var value = 0; var i; for (i = 0; i < hexnumber.length; i++) { var c = hexnumber.charAt(i).toLowerCase(); var v = 0; value *= 16; if (c === 'a') { v = 10; } else if (c === 'b') { v = 11; } else if (c === 'c') { v = 12; } else if (c === 'd') { v = 13; } else if (c === 'e') { v = 14; } else if (c === 'f') { v = 15; } else { v = parseInt(c, 10); } value += v; } return value; } tkjs.heatmap.HeatMap.load_data = function(params) { var genes = params.genes; var titles = params.columns; var data =; var hm = tkjs.heatmap.create_instance_2(params.genes, params.columns, data, params.scale); if (typeof(params.species) !== 'undefined') { tkjs.heatmap.species = params.species; } return hm; }; tkjs.heatmap.HeatMap.create_dummy = function() { if (typeof(tkjs.heatmap.genes) === 'undefined') { var genes = []; var num = 100; var i, j; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { genes.push("Gene" + i); } var hm = new tkjs.heatmap.HeatMap(genes); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var array = []; for (j = 0; j < num; j++) { array.push(Math.random() * 8.0 - 4.0); } hm.set_array("Array#" + (i + 1), array); } //return hm; } else { hm = tkjs.heatmap.create_instance(tkjs.heatmap.genes, tkjs.heatmap.columns); } return hm; }; tkjs.heatmap.HeatMap.operate_key = function(elem, event) { console.log(elem); console.log(event); }; tkjs.heatmap.change_view = function(event, ui) { if (tkjs.heatmap.current_map) { var values = $("#slider").slider("values"); tkjs.heatmap.current_map.set_row(values[0], values[1]); repaint(); } }; tkjs.heatmap.scroll_view = function(event) { if (typeof(event) !== 'undefined' && typeof(event.wheelDelta) !== 'undefined') { var values = tkjs.heatmap.current_map.get_view_range(); var delta = event.wheelDelta < 0 ? -1 : 1; if (delta + values[0] < 0) { delta = - values[0]; } if (delta + values[1] > tkjs.heatmap.current_map.nrows) { delta = tkjs.heatmap.current_map.nrows - values[1]; } values[0] += delta; values[1] += delta; tkjs.heatmap.current_map.set_row(values[0], values[1]); $('#slider').slider({'values':values}); repaint(); } // console.log(event); }; tkjs.heatmap.click_label = function(event, ui) { var elem =; var gene_symbol = elem.textContent; var probes = null; if (tkjs.heatmap.current_map) { probes = tkjs.heatmap.current_map.get_probes(gene_symbol); } // initialize dialog var dialog = tkjs.heatmap.view.get_gene_dialog('genedialog', 'entrezinfo', 'geneatlas', gene_symbol); // set GeneAtlas probes = null; if (tkjs.heatmap.current_map) { probes = tkjs.heatmap.current_map.get_probes(gene_symbol); } if (probes !== null && probes.length > 0) { var available = false; var species_code = 4; if (tkjs.heatmap.species.equals('Homo sapiens')) { species_code = 1; } else if (tkjs.heatmap.species.equals('Mus musculus')) { species_code = 4; } else { console.log('unknown species ' + tkjs.heatmap.species); return; } tkjs.heatmap.view.insert_geneatlas_entry('geneatlas', 'tissueprofile', species_code, probes); } // invoke EntrezAJAX var species = tkjs.heatmap.species;//'Mus musculus'; var sdiv = document.createElement("script"); sdiv.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); sdiv.src = '' + tkjs.heatmap.apikey + '&db=gene&callback=tkjs.heatmap.receive_entrezids&term=' + escape(gene_symbol) + '+' + escape('"' + species + '"[Organism]'); sdiv.charset="UTF-8"; tkjs.heatmap.accessing_url = sdiv.src; document.lastChild.appendChild(sdiv); }; tkjs.heatmap.receive_entrezids = function(obj) { var ids; var i; if (!obj.result) { ids = obj.result.IdList; if (ids.length > 0) { var entrez_id = ids[0]; tkjs.heatmap.view.insert_entrez_link('entrezinfo', entrez_id); var sdiv = document.createElement("script"); sdiv.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); sdiv.src = '' + tkjs.heatmap.apikey + '&db=gene&callback=tkjs.heatmap.receive_details&id=' + entrez_id; console.log(sdiv.src); tkjs.heatmap.accessing_url = sdiv.src; document.lastChild.appendChild(sdiv); } } }; tkjs.heatmap.receive_details = function(obj) { if (obj.result) { var data = obj.result[0]; //console.log(data); var name = data.Name; var symbol = data.NomenclatureSymbol; var nomenclature = data.NomenclatureName; var designation = data.OtherDesignations; var description = data.Description; var location = data.Chromosome + ' ' + data.ChrStart + ' (' + data.MapLocation + ')'; var genomic = data.GenomicInfo; var table = document.getElementById("entrezinfo"); if (genomic) { genomic = genomic[0]; location = 'Chr' + genomic.ChrLoc + ' ' + genomic.ChrStart + '-' + genomic.ChrStop + ' (' + data.MapLocation + ')'; } console.log(name + ' // ' + symbol + ' // ' + designation + ' // ' + location); tkjs.heatmap.view.insert_entrez('entrezinfo', { Name: name, Symbol: symbol, Nomenclature: nomenclature, Designation: designation, Description: description, Location:location }); } else { console.log("error in loading gene summary"); } }; //tkjs.heatmap.open_tissue = function(probe_name, species_code) { // tkjs.heatmap.view.set_expression_graph('tissueexpr', species_code, probe_name); //}; function callback_json(object) { cache_item(object); console.log(object); var results = object.searchResult; if (results) { var scinets_id = null; var i,j; var item; for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { item = results[i]; if (item.label.equals(tkjs.heatmap.searching_item)) { console.log("detected item : " + item.label + " // " + item.ID); scinets_id = item.ID; break; } } if (scinets_id) { semantic_json(scinets_id); } return; } var list = object.list; if (list) { console.log("data has list"); var required_items = []; for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { item = list[i]; if (item.dataType.equals('Statement') && typeof(item.object) !== 'undefined') { var obj = item.object; if (obj.dataType.equals('Instance')) { var contained = false; for (j = 0; j < required_items.length; j++) { if (required_items[j] === obj.ID) { contained = true; break; } } if (!contained) {required_items.push(obj.ID);} } } } for (j = 0; j < required_items.length; j++) { console.log(required_items[j]); semantic_json(required_items[j], 'statements', 'callback_json_nonrecursive'); } return; } } function callback_json_nonrecursive(object) { cache_item(object); var i; var list = object.list; if (list) { for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var item = list[i]; if (item.dataType.euqlas('Statement') && typeof(item.literalDataType) !== 'undefined' && item.literalDataType.euqlas('xsd:string')) { var obj = item.object; if (obj.length > 1) {obj = obj[0];} console.log(obj.value); var p = document.createElement("p"); var parent = document.getElementById("genedialog"); parent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(obj.value)); parent.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } } } } function cache_item(data) { tkjs.heatmap.accessing_url = null; return; } function semantic_json(item, command, callback) { if (typeof(command) === 'undefined') {command = 'statements';} if (typeof(callback) === 'undefined') {callback = 'callback_json';} var sdiv = document.createElement("script"); var url = '' + command + '/' + item + '?callback=' + callback; if (tkjs.heatmap.cached_objects[item]) { console.log(item + " is found in cache"); console.log(tkjs.heatmap.cached_objects[item]); } sdiv.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); sdiv.charset="UTF-8"; tkjs.heatmap.accessing_url = url; sdiv.src = url; console.log(url); document.lastChild.appendChild(sdiv); } tkjs.heatmap.set_heatmap = function(heatmap) { tkjs.heatmap.current_map = heatmap; $("#slider").slider({values:[0,heatmap.nrows], min:0, max:heatmap.nrows}); if (heatmap.nrows < 10) { $("#slider").hide(); } tkjs.heatmap.view.draw_legend('legend', heatmap.array_titles, heatmap.__scale); resized(); }; tkjs.heatmap.startdrag = function(event) { if (tkjs.heatmap.current_map) { var height = $("#graph").height(); var rows = tkjs.heatmap.current_map.get_view_range(); var pixels_per_row = parseFloat(height) / (rows[0] - rows[1]); tkjs.heatmap.dragging_position = [event.pageX, event.pageY, rows[0], rows[1], pixels_per_row]; } }; tkjs.heatmap.enddrag = function() { if (tkjs.heatmap.dragging_position) {tkjs.heatmap.dragging_position = null;} }; tkjs.heatmap.drag = function(event) { var x = event.offsetX; var pixels_per_column = parseFloat($("#graph").width()) / tkjs.heatmap.current_map.ncols; var column = Math.floor(x / pixels_per_column); // console.log("x=" + x + ", ppc=" + pixels_per_column.toFixed(2) + ", column=" + column); $(".es").css("background", ""); $("#c_" + column).css("background", "#fcc"); if (tkjs.heatmap.dragging_position) { var offset = event.offsetY - tkjs.heatmap.dragging_position[1]; var ppr = tkjs.heatmap.dragging_position[4]; var bottom = tkjs.heatmap.dragging_position[2]; 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var parameters = {open:true, title:gene_symbol}; if (dialog === null || dialog.length === 0) { var delem = document.createElement("div"); delem.setAttribute("id", dialog_id); document.lastChild.appendChild(delem); dialog = $(delem);//"#genedialog"); // dialog.css("right", "0px").css("top", "250px"); var table_info = document.createElement('table'); table_info.setAttribute('id', entrez_id);//'entrezinfo'); // tkjs.heatmap.view.insert_entrez(entrez_id, {'Entrez link':'' + entrez_id}); delem.appendChild(table_info); var table_expr = document.createElement('geneatlas'); table_expr.setAttribute('id', expr_id);//'geneatlas'); delem.appendChild(table_expr); parameters.position = [500, 300]; } else { $('#' + entrez_id).html(''); $('#' + expr_id).html(''); } // open dialog dialog.dialog(parameters); return dialog; }; tkjs.heatmap.view.insert_geneatlas_entry = function(expr_id, display_id, species_code, probes) { var container = document.getElementById(expr_id); var par = document.createElement("p"); var i; for (i = 0; i < probes.length; i++) { if (probes[i].lastIndexOf("_at") === probes[i].length - 3) { // probe name check var link = document.createElement("a"); link.setAttribute("href", "#"); link.appendChild(document.createTextNode("GeneAtlas:" + probes[i])); link.setAttribute("onclick", "tkjs.heatmap.view.open_tissue('" + display_id + "', '" + probes[i] + "'," + species_code + ")"); par.appendChild(link); par.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } } container.appendChild(par); }; tkjs.heatmap.view.open_tissue = function(dialog_id, probe_name, species_code) { if (typeof(species_code) === 'undefined') {species_code = 4;} console.log( probe_name + " // " + species_code); var dialog = document.getElementById(dialog_id); var parameters = {'open':true, 'title':probe_name}; if (!dialog) {// || dialog.length == 0) { dialog = document.createElement("div"); dialog.setAttribute('id', dialog_id); document.getElementById("my_container").appendChild(dialog); parameters.position = [550, 400]; 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Brain region specific expression
Update:Sep 6, 2012
157 Downloads, 3 Applications
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