Language Setting
日本語 [Japanese]
about this App
/* This is a Example program to retrieve and display the data. Press the Run button on the right of the screen (described the behavior of the Example program below). Please create a new application rewrite this program work. */ //プリコネ本体 var tm = new Array(); var ac = new Array(); var im = new Array(); var counter = 1; function yomiyomi(xxx){ tm.length = 0; ac.length = 0; im.length = 0; var limit = 5; var count = 0; $.each(LinkData.getWorks(), function(workKey, workValue) { $.each(LinkData.getFiles(workValue), function(fileKey, fileValue) { if (fileValue == xxx){ $.each(LinkData.getSubjects(workValue, fileValue), function(subjKey, subjValue) { count = 0; $.each(LinkData.getProperties(workValue, fileValue), function(propKey, propValue) { if(count++ > limit) { return false; } $.each(LinkData.getObjects(workValue, fileValue, subjValue, propValue), function(objKey, objValue) { if (counter%3 == 1){ (tm).push(objValue); counter++; }else if (counter%3 == 2){ (ac).push(objValue); counter++; }else { (im).push(objValue); counter++; } }); }); }); } }); }); } function kakikaki2(){ var cou1 = 0; $("#result").remove(); $("body").append("<div id='result'><div id='result2'></div></div>"); $.each(tm, function(index, value){ $("#result").append("<div onclick='btn("+cou1+")'>" + value + "</div>"); cou1++; }); } function btn(m){ $("#result2").empty(); $.each(ac, function(index, value){ if(m == index){ $("#result2").append(value); } }); $.each(im, function(index, value){ if(m == index){ $("#result2").append("<img src= '"+value+"'>"); } }); } $(function(){ $("li").click(function(){ var id = $(this).attr("id"); var n = "pricone_" + id; yomiyomi(n); kakikaki2(); window_tm(); }); }); //プリコネデザイン /* var window_name; function openwindow(id_name){ window_name = id_name; $("#background_layer").fadeIn(500, function() { $("#background_layer").show(); }); $(id_name).fadeIn(500, function() { $(id_name).show(); }); } */ /* function openbookwindow(fileUri,firstsentence){ window_name = "#about_book"; $("#background_layer").fadeIn(500, function() { $("#background_layer").show(); }); $(window_name).fadeIn(500, function() { var body = $(window_name); $('.loading').show(); getBibdata(fileUri,firstsentence); }); } */ //キーワード表示 $(function(){ $("#background_layer").click(function(){ $("#background_layer").hide(); $("#result").hide(); $("#result2").hide(); }); }); function window_tm(){ $("#result").show(); $("#result2").show(); $("#background_layer").show(); } //説明と画像表示 /* $(function(){ $("#background_layer").click(function(){ $("#background_layer").hide(); $("#result2").hide(); }); }); function window_ac(){ $("#result2").show(); $("#background_layer").show(); } */
/*背景*/ body { margin: auto; position: relative; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; width:700; height:700; border: 4px solid #800000; } /*ボタン*/ #wakayama { position: absolute; top:50%; left:50%; margin-top: -10px; margin-left: -30px; font-size:16px; font-family:Arial; font-weight:normal; -moz-border-radius:8px; -webkit-border-radius:8px; border-radius:8px; border:1px solid #dcdcdc; padding:9px 18px; text-decoration:none; background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(5%, #f9f9f9), color-stop(100%, #e9e9e9) ); background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #f9f9f9 5%, #e9e9e9 100% ); background:-ms-linear-gradient( top, #f9f9f9 5%, #e9e9e9 100% ); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#f9f9f9', endColorstr='#e9e9e9'); background-color:#f9f9f9; color:#666666; display:inline-block; text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #ffffff; -webkit-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0px 0px #ffffff; -moz-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0px 0px #ffffff; box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0px 0px #ffffff; } #wakayama:hover { background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(5%, #e9e9e9), color-stop(100%, #f9f9f9) ); background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #e9e9e9 5%, #f9f9f9 100% ); background:-ms-linear-gradient( top, #e9e9e9 5%, #f9f9f9 100% ); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#e9e9e9', endColorstr='#f9f9f9'); background-color:#e9e9e9; } #wakayama:active { position:relative; top:1px; } #ibaraki, #shizuoka, #hukushima, #ehime { font-size:16px; font-family:Arial; font-weight:normal; -moz-border-radius:8px; -webkit-border-radius:8px; border-radius:8px; border:1px solid #dcdcdc; padding:9px 18px; text-decoration:none; background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(5%, #f9f9f9), color-stop(100%, #e9e9e9) ); background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #f9f9f9 5%, #e9e9e9 100% ); background:-ms-linear-gradient( top, #f9f9f9 5%, #e9e9e9 100% ); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#f9f9f9', endColorstr='#e9e9e9'); background-color:#f9f9f9; color:#666666; display:inline-block; text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #ffffff; -webkit-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0px 0px #ffffff; -moz-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0px 0px #ffffff; box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0px 0px #ffffff; }#ibaraki:hover, #shizuoka:hover, #hukushima:hover, #ehime:hover { background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(5%, #e9e9e9), color-stop(100%, #f9f9f9) ); background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #e9e9e9 5%, #f9f9f9 100% ); background:-ms-linear-gradient( top, #e9e9e9 5%, #f9f9f9 100% ); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#e9e9e9', endColorstr='#f9f9f9'); background-color:#e9e9e9; z-index:2; }#ibaraki:active, #shizuoka:active, #hukushima:active, #ehime:active { position:relative; top:1px; } /*キーワードウィンドウ*/ #result{ border-radius: 10px; /* CSS3草案 */ -webkit-border-radius: 10px; /* Safari,Google Chrome用 */ -moz-border-radius: 10px; /* Firefox用 */ position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; background-color: #fff; height: 460px; width: 600px; margin-top: -230px; margin-left: -300px; padding: 30px; z-index:4; display:none; } #result{ height: 460px; width: 600px; margin-top: -230px; margin-left: -400px; } /*説明ウィンドウ*/ #result2{ border-radius: 10px; /* CSS3草案 */ -webkit-border-radius: 10px; /* Safari,Google Chrome用 */ -moz-border-radius: 10px; /* Firefox用 */ position: absolute; background-color: #7fffd4; height: 400px; width: 360px; margin-left: 180px; padding: 30px; display:none; overflow:scroll; } #result2{ height: 400px; width: 360px; margin-left: 180px; } #result2.img{ width: 300px; } /*ウィンドウオープン時の背景*/ #background_layer{ position: fixed; top:0px; left:0px; background-color: #000; height: 100%; width: 100%; z-index:3; opacity: 0.80; filter:alpha(opacity=80); display: none } /*円*/ #circle1 { position:absolute; top:50%; left:50%; margin-top: -50px; margin-left: -50px; width:100px; height:100px; padding:10px; border: 2px solid #83d32d; border-radius: 100px; /*IE*/ -webkit-border-radius: 100px; /*Safari,GoogleChrome*/ -moz-border-radius: 100px; /*Firefox*/ z-index:1; } #circle2 { position:absolute; top:50%; left:50%; margin-top: -150px; margin-left: -150px; width:300px; height:300px; padding:10px; border: 2px solid #83d32d; border-radius: 300px; /*IE*/ -webkit-border-radius: 300px; /*Safari,GoogleChrome*/ -moz-border-radius: 300px; /*Firefox*/ z-index:1; } #circle3 { position:absolute; top:50%; left:50%; margin-top: -250px; margin-left: -250px; width:500px; height:500px; padding:10px; border: 2px solid #83d32d; border-radius: 500px; /*IE*/ -webkit-border-radius: 500px; /*Safari,GoogleChrome*/ -moz-border-radius: 500px; /*Firefox*/ z-index:1; }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>pricone_test2</title> </head> <body> <div id="circle1"></div> <div id="circle2"></div> <div id="circle3"></div> <div id="wakayama">和歌山</div> <ul> <li id="ibaraki">茨城</li> <li id="shizuoka">静岡</li> <li id="hukushima">福島</li> <li id="ehime">愛媛</li> </ul> <!--プリコネ--> <div id="result"> <div id="result2"></div> </div> <div id="background_layer"></div> </body> </html>
Input Data
This application does not using any data or contains private/limited data.
Initial content
insert work id or work name.