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about this App
Route Search to vegetable shops in Miyamae, Kawasaki
window.onload = function() { var keyword = getParameterFromURL("subject"); // obtain keyword from the URL "?subject=" var list = ""; // list to be displayed var ruteToHitPoint = ""; var prefs = new Array(); // Work loop $.each(LinkData.getWorks(), function(workKey, workValue) { list += "<h3>" + LinkData.getWorkName(workValue) + "</h3>"; // File loop $.each(LinkData.getFiles(workValue), function(fileKey, fileValue) { var hit = ""; // list of subjects whose URI matches keyword var nHit = 0; // number of subjects whose URI matches keyword // Subject loop $.each(LinkData.getSubjects(workValue, fileValue), function(subjKey, subjValue) { var longitude = null; var latitude = null; var s = ""; // subject to be displayed // s += "<a href=\"" + subjValue + "\" target=\"_top\"><span class=\"subject\">" + highlight(decodeURIComponent(subjValue), keyword) + "</span></a>"; $.each( LinkData.getTriplesBySubject(workValue, fileValue, subjValue), function( tripleKey, tripleValue ) { var prop =; var obj = tripleValue.object; if ( prop == "" ) longitude = obj;// longitude found if ( prop == "" ) latitude = obj;// latitude found if ( obj.indexOf("://") != -1 && obj.indexOf("v=") != -1 ) { // Insert YouTube Thumbnail videoId = (obj.split("v=")[1]).split("&")[0]; // get video id obj = "<a href=\"" + obj + "\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"object\">" + highlight(decodeURIComponent(obj), keyword) + "<br><img src=\"" + videoId + "/mqdefault.jpg\" alt=\"YouTube video\" /><br></span></a>"; } else if ( obj.indexOf("http") == 0 ) { if ((obj.indexOf(".jpg" )>0 || obj.indexOf(".gif" )>0 || obj.indexOf(".png" )>0) || (obj.indexOf(".JPG" )>0 || obj.indexOf(".GIF" )>0 || obj.indexOf(".PNG" )>0)) // insert image obj = "<a href=\"" + obj + "\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"object\">" +shortenURL(obj) + "<br><img src=\"" + obj + "\" alt=\"image\" /><br></span></a>"; else obj = "<a href=\"" + obj + "\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"object\">" + shortenURL(obj) + "</span></a>"; // Make it clicable if it starts from http } else obj = "<span class=\"object\">" + highlight(obj, keyword) + "</span>"; s += "<br><span class=\"propertyName\">" + getLastName(prop) + ":\t</span>" + obj; }); if ( latitude != null && longitude != null ) s += addLinkToMap( latitude, longitude ); // list += s; //add to the list to be displayed prefs.push(["<hr>"+s,latitude,longitude]); if ( decodeURIComponent(subjValue) == keyword ) { // found subject whose URI matches keyword hit += s; ruteToHitPoint = "" + latitude + "," + longitude; nHit++; } //link to map display if coordinates exist }); if ( nHit > 0 ) { list += "<hr><h4>"+nHit+" subjects matched to the query</h4>"; list += hit + "<br><br>"; } }); }); $("#result").append( list + "Please try again after allowing this device to access the geo positional information" ); navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(pos) { var lat = pos.coords.latitude; var long = pos.coords.longitude; if ( ruteToHitPoint != "" ) { $('#result').empty(); $('#result').append( list + "<hr><h4>Now displaying the route from here to the destination.</h4>"); parent.location.href = ruteToHitPoint + "&saddr=" + lat + "," + long; // redirecting } else { $('#result').empty(); $('#result').append( list + "<hr><h4>Now displaying the list in the order from close location</h4>"); $.each(prefs, function(i, p) { p[3] = (lat - p[1]) * (lat - p[1]) + (long - p[2]) * (long - p[2]); }); prefs.sort(function(p1, p2) { return p1[3] - p2[3]; }); $.each(prefs, function(i, p) { $('#result').append(p[0]); $('#result').append(" <a target=\"_top\" href=\"" + lat + "," + long + "&daddr=" + p[1] + "," + p[2] + "\">【Show route from here to the destination】</a>"); }); } }, function(error) { $('#result').empty(); $('#result').append( list + "<hr><h4>Now showing the list in the original order, due to the faiure to obtain the current position of this device.</h4>"); $.each(prefs, function(i, p) { $('#result').append(p[0]); }); }); }; // Get a parameter value in URL (e.g. ?paramString=value ) function getParameterFromURL( paramString ) { var value = ""; var topWindow =; if( topWindow ){ var q = decodeURIComponent(topWindow.substring(1,topWindow.length)).split("&"); for ( var i = 0; i < q.length; i++ ){ var r = q[i].split("="); if ( r[0] == paramString ) value = r[1]; } } return value; } // Highlight keyword in the string function highlight( string, keyword ) { if ( keyword.length > 0 ) { var ss = string.split(keyword); var len = ss.length; if ( len > 1 ) { string = ss[0]; for ( i = 1; i < len; i++ ) // string += "<font color=\"red\">"+keyword+"</font>"+ss[i]; string += "<span class=\"highlight\">"+keyword+"</span>"+ss[i]; } } return string; } // get the last name of the string separated with # and / function getLastName( string ) { string = decodeURIComponent(string); var sharp = string.split("#"); var slash = sharp[sharp.length-1].split("/"); var lastName = slash[slash.length-1]; return lastName; } // return a link to Google map search function addLinkToMap( latitude, longitude ) { var s = "<br><a target=\"_top\" href=\"" + latitude + "," + longitude + "\">【Show map】</a>"; return s; } // shortening URL e.g. http://.../123.jpg function shortenURL( url ) { url = decodeURIComponent(url); var slash = url.split("/"); var lastName = slash[slash.length-1]; return url.split(":")[0]+"://.../"+lastName; }
span.highlight {color: red;} span.propertyName {color: gray;} span.subject { color: blue; } span.object{ color: black; } body { background: white; } a, a span { text-decoration: underline; } a:hover, a span:hover { text-decoration: none; }
<div id="result"></div>
Input Data
LinkData Work
Table Data
Update:Dec 21, 2014
494 Downloads, 2 Applications
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