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if (Application === "undefined" || !Application) { var Application = {}; } InputMotif = function(containerId, options) { new Application.ManualInputMotif(containerId, options); }; Application.ManualInputMotif = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; Application.ManualInputMotif.prototype = { _manulaMotifInputAreaId : null, _manulaMotifInputAreaInsertButId : null, _manulaMotifInputAreaAddButId : null, _manulaMotifDialogCancelButId : null, _containerId : null, _baseSequence : null, _workId : null, _fileName : null, _errorMessageAreaClass : null, _motifProperty : null, _geneInfoContainerId : null, _callBackFunc : null, _motifView : null, _appSequence : null, _appUtil : null, _fixedSequence : null, _validCharcters : ['A','T','C','G','-'], defaults : { motifSequenceProperty : "motif sequence", motifPositionProperty : "motif position", replaceSequenceClass : "replaceSequence", resultAreaClass : "resultArea", databaseInfoClass : "databaseInfo", errorMessageAreaClass : "errorMessage", replaceButtonAreaClass : "replaceButtonArea", geneLabelClass : "geneUrl", fixedSequenceShowClass : "fixedSequenceMotif", wrappedMotifSequenceShowClass : "wrappedSequenceMotif", baseSequenceLength : 550, baseSequenceMinLength : 50, resultAreaUserMessage : "Scroll Left/Right to inspect motifs from this promoter. Click on a motif sequence to enter the advanced motif view.", resultAreaUserMessageClass : "resultAreaUserMessageClass", conflictionDialogTitle : "Confliction", nonValidCharcterErrorMessage : "Warning: Motif contains nonstandard characters for DNA design. All characters except A, T, C, G will be treated as unique special characters. Currently IUPAC codes are not supported.", invalidCharErrMessageClass : "invalidCharError" }, _initDefaults : function() { var date = new Date(); this._manulaMotifInputAreaId = "_manulaMotifMotif_Div_" + self._containerId + "_" + date.getTime(); this._manulaMotifInputAreaInsertButId = "_manulaMotifMotif_Div_Insert_But_" + this._containerId; this._manulaMotifInputAreaAddButId = "_manulaMotifMotif_Div_Add_But_" + this._containerId; }, _initMotifView : function() { var self = this; var obj = { baseSequenceMinLength : self.defaults.baseSequenceMinLength, baseSequence : self._baseSequence, replaceSequenceClass : self.defaults.replaceSequenceClass, callerObj : self, geneLabelClass : self.defaults.geneLabelClass, motifMethod : '-' }; this._motifView = new Application.MotifView(this._containerId,obj); }, _initAppUtil : function() { var self = this; var obj = { containerId : self._containerId, errTextClass : 'errorText', baseSequenceMinLength : self.defaults.baseSequenceMinLength, baseSequenceLength : self.defaults.baseSequenceLength } self._appUtil = new Application.Util(obj); }, _init : function(containerId, options) { var date = new Date(); this._containerId = containerId; this._baseSequence = options.baseSequence; this._workId = options.workId; this._fileName = options.fileName; this._callBackFunc = options.callback; this._fixedSequence = options.fixedSequence; this._geneInfoContainerId = "gene_info_containerId_" + date.getTime(); this._initDefaults(); $("#" + this._containerId).html(""); this._initManualMotifComps(); this._initManualMotifCompButtons(); this._initConflictConfirmDialogView(); this._initMotifConflictConfirmDialog(); var obj = { workId : options.workId, fileName : options.fileName, }; this._initMotifProperty(obj); this._initAppSequence(obj); this._initRelatedViews(); this._initManualMotifInsertButtonListner(); this._initMotifView(); this._initEventsHandlersForManualMotifEntryComps(); this._initAppUtil(); }, _initManualMotifComps : function() { var sb = [], self = this; sb[sb.length] = "<div id='" + this._manulaMotifInputAreaId + "' class='manualMotifView'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div><h3>Manually enter your own motif and set the center position</h3></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='"+ self.defaults.invalidCharErrMessageClass + " row hidden'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='error left' >"+ self.defaults.nonValidCharcterErrorMessage +"</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</br>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='label left' style='width:150px'>Motif Sequence</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='left'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='text' class='anotherSequence'/>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='label left' style='width:150px'>Motif Center Position</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='left'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='text' class='anotherPosition'/>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<fieldset class='manualMotifViewInfo'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div style='float:left'>Sequence : </div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='manualsequence'></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div style='width:100%;float:left'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span> User input Motif Length : </span><span class='motiflength'>0</span></br>"; //sb[sb.length] = "</br>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span> Acceptable center position range : </span><span class='centerposrange'>0 to 0</span></br>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>" sb[sb.length] = "</fieldset>"; $("#" + this._containerId).append(sb.join("")); }, _initRelatedViews : function() { var self = this; var sb = []; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self.defaults.databaseInfoClass + " hidden'></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div id='" + self._geneInfoContainerId + "'></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self.defaults.resultAreaClass + " hidden'></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self.defaults.resultAreaUserMessageClass + " hidden'>"+ self.defaults.resultAreaUserMessage +"</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self.defaults.errorMessageAreaClass + " hidden'>error</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self.defaults.replaceButtonAreaClass + " hidden'>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='addbuttoncontainer'></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self.defaults.replaceSequenceClass + " hidden'></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self.defaults.wrappedMotifSequenceShowClass + " hidden'></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='" + self.defaults.fixedSequenceShowClass + " hidden'></span>"; $("#" + this._containerId).append(sb.join("")); }, _initManualMotifCompButtons : function() { var sb = []; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "</br>"; sb[sb.length] = "<a id='"+ this._manulaMotifInputAreaInsertButId +"' class='btn btn-lightblue'>Insert Motif</a> "; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; $("#" + this._containerId).append(sb.join("")); }, _initManualMotifAddCancelButtons : function() { var sb = []; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<a id='"+ this._manulaMotifInputAreaAddButId +"' class='btn btn-lightblue'>Add Motif(s)</a> "; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; $("#" + this._containerId + " .addbuttoncontainer").append(sb.join("")); this._initManualMotifAddButtonListner(); }, _initConflictConfirmDialogView : function() { var sb = [], self = this, date = new Date(); self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId = "motifConflictConfirmDialog_id_" + self._containerId + "_" + date.getTime(); sb[sb.length] = "<div id='" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId + "' class='hidden'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>New motif overlaps with old one. Which one should be kept in overalp regions?</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='option'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div><label><input type='radio' name='motifReplaceOption' value='new'/> New</label></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div><label><input type='radio' name='motifReplaceOption' value='old'/> Old</label></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div><label><input type='radio' name='motifReplaceOption' value='discard'/> Discard new motif</label></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<label><input type='checkbox' checked='checked' class='motifReplaceApplyToAll' value='applytoall'/> Apply to all</label>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; $("#" + this._containerId).append(sb.join("")); }, _initAppSequence : function(opts) { var self = this; var obj = { workId : "", fileName : "", baseSequence : self._baseSequence, motifSequenceProperty : "", motifPositionProperty : "", containerId : self._containerId, errorMessageClass : self._errorMessageAreaClass, baseSequenceMinLength : self.defaults.baseSequenceMinLength }; self._appSequence = new Application.sequence(obj); }, _initManualMotifInsertButtonListner : function() { var self = this; $("#" + this._manulaMotifInputAreaInsertButId).click(function() { var seq = $("#" + self._manulaMotifInputAreaId + " input.anotherSequence").val(); var pos = Math.abs($("#" + self._manulaMotifInputAreaId + " input.anotherPosition").val()); if (seq && pos) { self._showWarningForNonStandardChars(); self._addAnotherMotif(seq, pos); } }); }, _showWarningForNonStandardChars : function() { var found = false; var txtSeq = $("#" + this._manulaMotifInputAreaId + " input.anotherSequence").val(); for (var i = 0 ; i < txtSeq.length ; i++) { var char = txtSeq.charAt(i).toString().toUpperCase(); if (this._validCharcters.indexOf(char) == -1) { $("#" + this._manulaMotifInputAreaId + " div." + this.defaults.invalidCharErrMessageClass).show(); found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { $("#" + this._manulaMotifInputAreaId + " div." + this.defaults.invalidCharErrMessageClass).hide(); } }, _initManualMotifAddButtonListner : function() { var self = this; $("#" + this._manulaMotifInputAreaAddButId).click(function() { var seqs = [], nonConflictSeqs = [], seqArray = [], posArray = [], conflictArray = []; $("#" + self._containerId + " .userSequence").each(function() { seqs.push($(this).text()); var seq = $(this).find(".hdnSequence").val(); var pos = $(this).find(".hdnPosition").val(); seqArray.push(seq); posArray.push(pos); if (self._hasConfliction(seq, pos)) { conflictArray.push(seq + "|" + pos); } else { nonConflictSeqs.push($(this).text()); } }); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.replaceSequenceClass).html(""); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.replaceSequenceClass).hide(); if (conflictArray.length > 0) { if (nonConflictSeqs.length > 0) { self._doReplace(nonConflictSeqs, seqArray, posArray); } self._handleConfliction(conflictArray); } else { self._doReplace(seqs, seqArray, posArray); } }); }, _initEventsHandlersForManualMotifEntryComps : function() { var self = this; $("#" + self._manulaMotifInputAreaId + " .anotherSequence").keyup(function() { var posItion = self._appUtil.getCalculatedMotifInsertRange($(this).val().length); $("#" + self._manulaMotifInputAreaId + " .motiflength").html($(this).val().length); $("#" + self._manulaMotifInputAreaId + " .centerposrange").html("- " + posItion.startPoint + " to - " + posItion.endPoint); $("#" + self._manulaMotifInputAreaId + " .manualsequence").html($(this).val()); $(this).attr("value",$(this).val()); }); }, _doReplace : function(seqs, seqArray, posArray) { var self = this; var html = self._appSequence.replace(seqs, seqArray, posArray); self._doReplaceWithHtml(html); }, _initMotifProperty : function(opts) { var obj = { workId : opts.workId, fileName : opts.fileName }; this._motifProperty = new Application.motifProperty(obj); }, _initMotifConflictConfirmDialog : function() { var self = this; $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 420, dialogClass : "motifConflictionDialog" }); }, _addAnotherMotif : function(seq, pos) { var self = this; var position = self._appUtil._validateManulMotifCenterPosition(seq.length,pos); if (Math.abs(pos) != position) { self._appUtil._showMotifErrorDialog(position,$("#" + self._manulaMotifInputAreaId + " input.anotherPosition")); } else { $("#" + self._manulaMotifInputAreaId + " input.anotherPosition").val("-" + Math.abs(pos)); self._drawManualSequnce(seq, pos); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.resultAreaUserMessageClass).show(); if ($("#" + this._manulaMotifInputAreaAddButId).length == 0) { self._initManualMotifAddCancelButtons(); } } }, _createResultAreaIfNotExists : function() { var div = $("#" + this._containerId + " ." + this.defaults.resultAreaClass); if (div.length == 0) { var resultArea = "<div class='" + this.replaceSequenceClass + " hidden'></div>"; $("#" + this._containerId).append(resultArea); } }, _handleConfliction : function(conflictArray) { var self = this; if (conflictArray.length > 0) { var arr = conflictArray[0].split("|"); var bArray = self._getConflictConfirmDialogButtonArray(conflictArray); var dialogTitle = this.defaults.conflictionDialogTitle + " - " + arr[0] + "[" + arr[1] + "]"; $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).find("input[name='motifReplaceOption'][value='new']").attr("checked", "checked"); var checkBox = $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).find("input[class='motifReplaceApplyToAll']"); $(checkBox).attr("checked",$(checkBox).is(':checked')); $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).dialog({title : dialogTitle}); $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).dialog({buttons : bArray}); $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).dialog("open"); } else { $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).find("input[class='motifReplaceApplyToAll']").attr("checked", "checked"); } }, _getConflictConfirmDialogButtonArray : function(conflictArray) { var self = this; return [ { text: "Done", click : function() { $(this).dialog("close"); var option = $(this).find("input[name='motifReplaceOption']:checked").val(); var isApplyToAll = $(this).find(".motifReplaceApplyToAll").is(":checked"); self._replaceWithOption(option, isApplyToAll, conflictArray); } }, { text: "Cancel", click : function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } ]; }, _replaceWithOption : function(option, isApplyToAll, conflictArray) { var self = this; if (isApplyToAll) { self._replaceAllWithOption(option, conflictArray); $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).find(".motifReplaceApplyToAll").attr("checked", "checked"); } else { var value = conflictArray.splice(0, 1); var arr = value[0].split("|"); self._replaceSequenceByOption(option, arr[0], arr[1]); self._handleConfliction(conflictArray); } }, _replaceAllWithOption : function(option, conflictArray) { var self = this, html = oldSequence; var oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.replaceSequenceClass).text(); if (!oldSequence) { oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.resultAreaClass + " .baseSequence").html(); } $.each(conflictArray, function(key, conflict) { var arr = conflict.split("|"); self._replaceSequenceByOption(option, arr[0], arr[1]); }); }, _replaceSequenceByOption : function(option, seq, pos) { var self = this; var oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.replaceSequenceClass).text(); if (!oldSequence) { oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.resultAreaClass + " .baseSequence").html(); } if (!oldSequence) { oldSequence = self._baseSequence; } var formattedSeq = self._appSequence.getFormattedSequence(self.defaults.baseSequenceLength, seq, pos); var seqArray = [formattedSeq]; var newSequence = self._appSequence._getMergeCharSequence(seqArray); var html = oldSequence; if (option === "new") { html = self._appSequence.getHtmlByReplacingNewSequence(oldSequence, newSequence); } else if (option === "old") { html = self._appSequence.getHtmlByReplacingOldSequence(oldSequence, newSequence); } self._doReplaceWithHtml(html); }, _hasConfliction : function(seq, pos, oldSequence) { var self = this; if (!oldSequence) { oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.resultAreaClass + " .baseSequence").html(); } if (!oldSequence) { oldSequence = self._baseSequence; } var formattedSeq = self._appSequence.getFormattedSequence(self.defaults.baseSequenceLength, seq, pos); var array = [formattedSeq]; var newSequence = self._appSequence._getMergeCharSequence(array); for (var i = 0; i < oldSequence.length; i++) { var oChar = oldSequence.charAt(i); var nChar = newSequence.charAt(i); if (nChar !== "-" && oChar !== "-" && nChar !== oChar) { return true; } } return false; }, _doReplaceWithHtml : function(html) { var self = this, sb = []; var wrappedHtml = this._getAddedSquenceWithoutFixedSequence(html); sb[sb.length] = html; $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.wrappedMotifSequenceShowClass).show(); //$("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.fixedSequenceShowClass).show(); //$("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.replaceSequenceClass).show(); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.replaceSequenceClass).html(sb.join("")); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.wrappedMotifSequenceShowClass).html(wrappedHtml); //$("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.fixedSequenceShowClass).html(this._fixedSequence); //$("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.replaceSequenceClass).scrollLeft(10000); var ref = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.wrappedMotifSequenceShowClass); $(ref).animate({scrollTop: $(ref).height()}, 800); this._callBackFunc(); }, _getAddedSquenceWithoutFixedSequence : function(html) { var index = html.lastIndexOf(this._fixedSequence); var length = index + this._fixedSequence.length; if (html.length = length) { var html = html.substr(0,index); } return html; }, _drawManualSequnce : function(sequnce, position) { var self = this, sb = []; if (!sequnce) { return; } var customSeqString = self._appSequence._getCustomSequenceHtml(self._baseSequence, sequnce, position); if (customSeqString.length > 0) { sb.push("<div>"); sb.push("<div class='userSequence'>" + customSeqString + "</div>"); //sb.push(" <span class='deletelink "+ sequnce +"' onclick='self._deleteUserSequence("+ """ + sequnce + """ +","+ """ + self._containerId + """ +");'>"); sb.push(" <span class='deletelink "+ sequnce +"'>"); sb.push("<img src='' title='Delete' /></span>"); sb.push("</div>"); } sb.push("<div> </div>"); self.drawSequence(sb.join("\n")); self._attachDeleteEvent(); }, _attachDeleteEvent : function () { var self = this; var timer = new Application.timer(); var attachEvent = function() { var length = $("#" + self._containerId + " .deletelink").length; //console.debug(length); if (length > 0) { $("#" + self._containerId + " .deletelink").unbind("click"); $("#" + self._containerId + " .deletelink").click(function() { var parent = $(this).parent(); $(parent).remove(); }); } else {; } } attachEvent(); }, drawSequence : function(seqHtml) { var sb = [], self = this; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='hidden' class='" + self.defaults.geneLabelClass + "' value=''/>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='baseSequence'>" + self._baseSequence + "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = seqHtml; $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.resultAreaClass).html(sb.join("")); self._motifView._initMotifSequenceListener(); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.resultAreaClass).show(); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.resultAreaClass).scrollLeft(10000); }, _showPopupWindow : function(url) { var winWidth = 800; var winHeight = 800; var winLeft = parseInt((screen.availWidth/2) - (winWidth/2)); var winTop = parseInt((screen.availHeight/2) - (winHeight/2)); var winStyle = "width=" + winWidth + ",height=" + winHeight + ",left=" + winLeft + ",top=" + winTop + ",screenX=" + winLeft + ",screenY=" + winTop + ",scrollbars=1";, "Motif", winStyle); } } Application.Util = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } Application.Util.prototype = { _containerId : null, _errTextClass : null, _manualMotifErrorDialogId : null, _baseSequenceMinLength : null, _baseSequenceLength : null, _init : function(args) { this._containerId = args.containerId; this._errTextClass = args.errTextClass; this._baseSequenceMinLength = args.baseSequenceMinLength; this._baseSequenceLength = args.baseSequenceLength; this._motifErrorDialogId = "_manulaMotifMotif_Err_Dialog_" + this._containerId; this._initMotifInitErrDialogView(); this._initMotifErrorDialog(); }, _initMotifInitErrDialogView : function() { var sb = []; sb[sb.length] = "<div id='"+ this._motifErrorDialogId +"' class='hidden'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>Following error(s) found while trying to add the add/place the motif</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<ul class='motiferror'></ul>"; sb[sb.length] = "</br>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>Would you like to correct it automatically ?</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; $("#" + this._containerId).append(sb.join("")); }, _initMotifErrorDialog : function() { var self = this; $("#" + self._motifErrorDialogId).dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 600, model: true }); }, _validateManulMotifCenterPosition : function(sequnceLength,position) { if (sequnceLength > 0) { $("#" + this._motifErrorDialogId + " .motiferror").html(""); var corProsition = this.getCalculatedMotifInsertRange(sequnceLength); position = Math.abs(position); if ((position < corProsition.startPoint) || (position > corProsition.endPoint)) { position = corProsition.startPoint; this._putManulMotifError("Defined position is out of range. So assigned the default postion as -" + position); } var val = sequnceLength % 2; position = Math.abs(position); var havingDecimalEntry = (position.toString().indexOf(".") != -1) ? true : false; if (val > 0) { // odd length case if (havingDecimalEntry == true) { position = position.toString().split(".")[0]; this._putManulMotifError("Since the sequnce lenght is an odd no, the correct postion should be - " + position); } } else { //even length case if (havingDecimalEntry == false) { position = position + 0.5; this._putManulMotifError("Since the sequnce lenght is an even no, the correct postion should be - " + position); }else { var decPart = position.toString().split(".")[1]; if (decPart != "5") { position = position.toString().split(".")[0] + ".5"; this._putManulMotifError("The sequnce lenght is an odd no. For odd lengths, the correct postion should be - " + position); } } } } return position; }, _putManulMotifError : function(errInfo) { var errText = $("#" + this._motifErrorDialogId + " .motiferror"); var content = errText.html(); errText.html(content + "</br>" + "<li><span class='"+ this._errTextClass +"'>" + errInfo + "</span></li>"); }, getCalculatedMotifInsertRange : function(sequnceLength) { var centerPos = Math.floor(sequnceLength / 2); var corStartPoint = this._baseSequenceMinLength + centerPos; var corEndPoint = this._baseSequenceLength - centerPos; if (this.isValueEven(sequnceLength) == false) { corStartPoint = corStartPoint + 1; } else { corStartPoint = corStartPoint + 0.5; corEndPoint = corEndPoint + 0.5; } var obj = { startPoint : corStartPoint, endPoint : corEndPoint }; return obj; }, isValueEven : function(val) { var val = val % 2; if (val > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }, _getMotifEntryErrButtonArray : function(correctPos,textEleRef) { var self = this; return [ { text: "Yes", click : function() { $(textEleRef).val("-" + Math.abs(correctPos)); $(this).dialog("close"); } }, { text: "No", click : function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } ]; }, _showMotifErrorDialog : function(corectedPos,textEleRef) { var bArray = this._getMotifEntryErrButtonArray(corectedPos,textEleRef); var dialogTitle = "Motif Insert/Place Errors"; $("#" + this._motifErrorDialogId).dialog({title : dialogTitle}); $("#" + this._motifErrorDialogId).dialog({buttons : bArray}); $("#" + this._motifErrorDialogId).dialog("open"); } }; Application.MotifView = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } Application.MotifView.prototype = { _containerId : null, _motifViewAreaId : null, _baseSequenceMinLength : null, _baseSequence : null, _replaceSequenceClass : null, _callerObj : null, _geneLabelClass : null, _motifViewErrDlgId : null, _appUtil : null, _motifMethod : null, _init : function(containerId,args) { date = new Date(); this._containerId = containerId; this._baseSequenceMinLength = args.baseSequenceMinLength; this._baseSequence = args.baseSequence; this._replaceSequenceClass = args.replaceSequenceClass; this._callerObj = args.callerObj; this._geneLabelClass = args.geneLabelClass; this._motifMethod = args.motifMethod; this._motifViewAreaId = "motifViewDialog_id_" + this._containerId + "_" + date.getTime(); this._motifViewErrDlgId = "motifViewErrDlg_Id_" + this._containerId + "_" + date.getTime(); this._initAppUtil(); }, defaults : { dialogErrorMessageClass : 'dialogErrorMessage', dialogOutRangeValueMessage : "Please input a value between {0} and {1}", geneLabelClass : "geneUrl" }, _initAppUtil : function() { var self = this; var obj = { containerId : self._containerId, errTextClass : 'errorText', baseSequenceMinLength : self._baseSequenceMinLength, baseSequenceLength : self._baseSequence.length } self._appUtil = new Application.Util(obj); }, getMotifViewHtml : function(sequnce) { var sb = [], self = this, date = new Date(); sb[sb.length] = "<fieldset class='motifViewDialog'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<legend>Motif view: edit the position and copy number of a motif</legend>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div id='" + this._motifViewAreaId + "' class='hidden "+ sequnce +"'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='hidden' class='sequence'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='label left'>Place motif at position</span>"; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='text' class='position'/>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='explanation left'>Place motif with center position between <br/>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='minSeq'></span> and <span class='maxSeq'>"; sb[sb.length] = "</span>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='label left'>Number of extra copies</span>"; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='text' class='extraCopies' value='0'/>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='label left'>Space between copies (Base Pairs)</span>"; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='text' class='basePairs' value='0'/>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; //sb[sb.length] = "<div class='motifImageArea'>"; //sb[sb.length] = "<img src='" + this._options.dialogImageUrl + "'/>"; //sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='explanation explink'>Click "; //sb[sb.length] = "<a class='moreInfo'>here</a> to see the additional information about motif from " + self._getDataBaseWebsiteName() + " website"; sb[sb.length] = "<a class='moreInfo'>here</a> to see the additional information about motif"; sb[sb.length] = "</span>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='dialogErrorMessage errorMessage hidden'></span>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<a id='motifview_placeMotif' class='btn btn-lightblue'>Place Motif</a>"; sb[sb.length] = " "; //sb[sb.length] = "<a id='motifview_cancel' class='btn btn-lightblue'>Cancel</a>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<fieldset class='motifviewinfo'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div style='float:left'>Motif Sequence:</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='motifviewsequence'></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div style='width=100%;float:left'>"; //sb[sb.length] = "<span class='motifsequence' /></br>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='motifmethod' /></br>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='motifrecpos' />"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</fieldset>"; sb[sb.length] = "</fieldset>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; return sb.join(""); }, drawMotifView : function(sequence,appropriatePos) { var self = this; var htmlContent = this.getMotifViewHtml(sequence); var dialogSelector = "#" + self._motifViewAreaId + "." + sequence; //$("#" + this._containerId).append(htmlContent); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._replaceSequenceClass).before(htmlContent); $(dialogSelector).find(".motifviewsequence").html(sequence); $(dialogSelector).find(".motifmethod").html("Motif Type: " + this._motifMethod); $(dialogSelector).find(".motifrecpos").html("Motif default position: -" + Math.abs(appropriatePos)); $(dialogSelector).show(); $(dialogSelector).find("#motifview_placeMotif").click(function() { var seq = $(dialogSelector).find(".sequence").val(); var pos = Math.abs($(dialogSelector).find(".position").val()); var extraCopies = parseInt($(dialogSelector).find(".extraCopies").val()); var basePairs = parseInt($(dialogSelector).find(".basePairs").val()); var minPos = parseFloat($(dialogSelector).find(".minSeq").html()); var maxPos = parseFloat($(dialogSelector).find(".maxSeq").html()); var position = self._appUtil._validateManulMotifCenterPosition(seq.length,pos); if (Math.abs(pos) != position) { self._appUtil._showMotifErrorDialog(position,$(dialogSelector).find(".position")); } else { $(dialogSelector).find(".position").val("-" + Math.abs(pos)); self._replaceWithSequence(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs); } }); }, _replaceWithSequence : function(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs) { var self = this, sb = []; self._placeMotifViewSequnce(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs); var html = self._callerObj._appSequence.getReColoredMotifViewSequnce(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs, self._replaceSequenceClass); self._callerObj._doReplaceWithHtml(html); }, _placeMotifViewSequnce : function(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs) { var self =this,conflictArray = []; var corPos; //replaceSequenceByOption var oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._replaceSequenceClass).text(); if (!oldSequence) { oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.resultAreaClass + " .baseSequence").html(); } for (var j = 0; j < extraCopies + 1; j++) { if (j == 0) { corPos = pos; } else { corPos = corPos + (basePairs) + (seq.length); } if (self._callerObj._hasConfliction(seq, corPos, oldSequence)) { conflictArray.push(seq + "|" + corPos); } else { self._callerObj._replaceSequenceByOption("new", seq, corPos); } self._callerObj._handleConfliction(conflictArray); } //return out.join(""); }, isMotifViewExists : function(sequnce) { if ($("#" + this._motifViewAreaId + "."+ sequnce).length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }, _getMinPosition : function(seq) { var self = this; var mod = seq.length % 2; var tHold = (mod == 1) ? 1 : 0.5; return self._baseSequenceMinLength + Math.floor(seq.length / 2) + tHold; }, _getMaxPosition : function(seq) { var self = this; var mod = seq.length % 2; var tHold = (mod == 1) ? 0 : 0.5; return self._baseSequence.length - 1 - Math.floor(seq.length / 2) + tHold; }, _initPositionInsert : function(seq, pos) { return; var self = this; var mod = seq.length % 2; $("#" + self._motifViewAreaId + " .position").unbind("keyup"); $("#" + self._motifViewAreaId + " .position").keyup(function() { var val = $(this).val(); if (isNaN(val)) { $(this).val(pos); return; } var tmpVal = new String(Math.abs(val)); if (mod == 0) { if (tmpVal.indexOf(".") == -1) { $(this).val(tmpVal + ".5"); } else { $(this).val(tmpVal.split(".")[0] + ".5"); } } else { if (tmpVal.indexOf(".") > -1) { $(this).val(tmpVal.split(".")[0]); } } }); }, _initMotifSequenceListener : function() { var self = this; $("#" + self._containerId + " .motifSequence").click(function() { //$("." + self._options.motifViewDialogClass).hide(); var parent = $(this).closest('.userSequence'); var container = $(this).closest('.userSequence'); var seq = $(parent).find(".hdnSequence").val(); //var pos = $(parent).find(".hdnPosition").val(); var pos = $(parent).find(".hdnCorPosition").val(); var appropriatePos = 0; var seqEl = null; if (self._callerObj._getSeqElBySeq) { seqEl = self._callerObj._getSeqElBySeq(seq); appropriatePos = (seqEl && seqEl.getAppropriatePos()) ? seqEl.getAppropriatePos() : pos; } else { appropriatePos = pos; } if (self.isMotifViewExists(seq) == false) { self.drawMotifView(seq,appropriatePos); self._initSequencePopup(seqEl,seq); var dialogSelector = "#" + self._motifViewAreaId + "." + seq; $(dialogSelector + " ." + self.defaults.dialogErrorMessageClass).hide(); $(dialogSelector + " .sequence").val(seq); $(dialogSelector + " .position").val("-" + Math.abs(appropriatePos)); $(dialogSelector + " .extraCopies").val(0); $(dialogSelector + " .basePairs").val(0); $(dialogSelector + " .minSeq").html("-" + Math.abs(self._getMinPosition(seq))); $(dialogSelector + " .maxSeq").html("-" + Math.abs(self._getMaxPosition(seq))); self._initPositionInsert(seq, appropriatePos); $(dialogSelector).show(); } }); }, _initSequencePopup : function(seqEl,sequence) { var self = this; var dialogSelector = "#" + self._motifViewAreaId + "." + sequence; $(dialogSelector + " .moreInfo").unbind("click"); var url = (seqEl && seqEl.getExternalUrl()) ? seqEl.getExternalUrl() : "#"; if (url == "#") { $(dialogSelector + " .explink").html(" "); } else { $("#" + self._motifViewAreaId + " .explink").show(); } $(dialogSelector + " .moreInfo").click(function() { self._callerObj._showPopupWindow(url); }); } }; Application.timer = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; Application.timer.prototype = { _delay : null, _retry : null, _maxRetry : null, _init : function() { this._delay = 1000; this._retry = 0; this._maxRetry = 1000; }, call : function(func) { if (this._retry < this._maxRetry) { setTimeout(func, this._delay); } this._retry++; }, setMaxRetryCount : function(no) { this._maxRetry = no; } }; Application.motifProperty = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; Application.motifProperty.prototype = { _options : null, _propMap : null, _nameMap : null, _optionArray : null, _default : { acceptPropLabelPrefix : "label:", subjectATTEDUriPhrase : "", subjectPPDBUriPhrase : "", subjectTAIRUriPhrase : "", atted : "ATTED", ppdb : "PPDB" }, _init : function(options) { this._options = $.extend({}, this._default, options); this._propMap = []; this._nameMap = []; this._initPropMap(this._options); }, _initPropMap : function(opts) { var self = this, workId = opts.workId, fileName = opts.fileName; var method = function(properties) { self._fillPropMap(self, properties); self._initOptionArray(properties); } LinkData.getProperties(workId, fileName, method); }, _fillPropMap : function(self, properties) { $.each(properties, function(key, value) { var label = self._getLabel(value); if (!self._propMap[label]) { self._propMap[label] = value; } }); }, _initOptionArray : function(propertyList) { var self = this, list = new Object(); var workId = self._options.workId, fileName = self._options.fileName; self._optionArray = []; $.each(propertyList, function(key, value) { var propLabel = self._getLabel(value); if (!self._ignore(propLabel)) { var obj = {}; obj.key = propLabel; obj.value = self._getDisplayLabel(propLabel); self._optionArray.push(obj); } }); }, _ignore : function(label) { var self = this; if (label.indexOf(self._default.acceptPropLabelPrefix) > -1) { return false; } return true; }, _getDisplayLabel : function(value) { var self = this; var propLabel = value; var arr = value.split(self._default.acceptPropLabelPrefix); if (arr.length > 1) { propLabel = decodeURIComponent(arr[1]); } return propLabel; }, _getLabel : function(value) { var propLabel = value; var arr = value.split("#"); if (arr.length > 1) { propLabel = decodeURIComponent(arr[1]); } return propLabel; }, getOptionArray : function() { return this._optionArray; }, getPropertyByLabel : function(label) { return this._propMap[label]; }, getGeneBySubject : function(subject) { var self = this, htmlExt = ".html", geneLabel; if (subject.indexOf(self._default.subjectATTEDUriPhrase) > -1) { geneLabel = subject.replace(self._default.subjectATTEDUriPhrase, ""); } else if (subject.indexOf(self._default.subjectPPDBUriPhrase) > -1) { geneLabel = subject.replace(self._default.subjectPPDBUriPhrase, ""); } else if (subject.indexOf(self._default.subjectTAIRUriPhrase) > -1) { geneLabel = subject.replace(self._default.subjectTAIRUriPhrase, ""); } if (geneLabel && geneLabel.indexOf(htmlExt) > -1) { geneLabel = geneLabel.replace(htmlExt, ""); } return geneLabel; }, getSubjectUrl : function(analysisMethod, subjectPartWithoutUrl) { // sample format 'ATTED:At1g79040.html' var subjectUrl = ""; subjectPartWithoutUrl = subjectPartWithoutUrl.replace(this._default.atted,""); subjectPartWithoutUrl = subjectPartWithoutUrl.replace(this._default.ppdb,""); subjectPartWithoutUrl = subjectPartWithoutUrl.replace(":",""); subjectPartWithoutUrl = subjectPartWithoutUrl.trim(); if (analysisMethod.trim().toLowerCase() == this._default.atted.trim().toLowerCase()) { subjectUrl = this._default.subjectATTEDUriPhrase + subjectPartWithoutUrl; } else if (analysisMethod.trim().toLowerCase() == this._default.ppdb.trim().toLowerCase()) { subjectUrl = this._default.subjectPPDBUriPhrase + subjectPartWithoutUrl; } return subjectUrl; } }; Application.sequence = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; Application.sequence.prototype = { CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY : "-", _options : null, _workId : null, _fileName : null, _seqProperty : null, _posProperty : null, _baseSequence : null, _sequenceList : null, _positionList : null, _containerId : null, _errorContainerClass : null, _outOfRangeArray : null, _default : { msgInvalidSequence: "invalid sequence.", msgOutOfRangeSequence: "Some motifs fall outside the Promoter Design region of -50 to -550 base pairs : {0}" }, _init : function(options) { this._options = options; this._workId = this._options.workId; this._fileName = this._options.fileName; this._seqProperty = this._options.motifSequenceProperty; this._posProperty = this._options.motifPositionProperty; this._baseSequence = this._options.baseSequence; this._containerId = this._options.containerId; this._errorContainerClass = this._options.errorMessageClass; }, _getCustomSequenceHtml : function(baseSequence, sequence, position) { var seqLen = sequence.length; var tHold = Math.floor(seqLen / 2); var pos = parseInt(position); var baseSeqLen = baseSequence.length; var suffixLen = baseSeqLen - (tHold + pos); var motifCorectedStartingPoint = position - (seqLen / 2); var sb = []; if (motifCorectedStartingPoint >= this._options.baseSequenceMinLength && suffixLen >= 0) { for (var i = 0; i < suffixLen; i++) { sb.push(this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY); } sb.push("<a href='javascript:void(0)' class='motifSequence'>" + sequence + "</a>"); sb.push("<input type='hidden' class='hdnSequence' value='" + sequence + "'/>"); sb.push("<input type='hidden' class='hdnPosition' value='" + pos + "'/>"); sb.push("<input type='hidden' class='hdnCorPosition' value='-" + position + "'/>"); } else { //_showError($appContainer, opts.msgOutOfRangeSequence.replace("{0}", sequence)); this._outOfRangeArray.push(sequence + "[-" + position + "]"); this._showError(this._default.msgOutOfRangeSequence.replace("{0}", this._outOfRangeArray.join(", "))); } return sb.join(""); }, _isValidSequenceList : function(seqs) { var count = seqs.length; var maxlength = 0; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (seqs[i].length > maxlength) { maxlength = seqs[i].length; } } var result = true; for (var i = 0; i < maxlength; i++) { var chars = []; for (var j = 0; j < count; j++) { chars.push(seqs[j].charAt(i)); } if (! this._isValidChars(chars.join(""))) { result = false; break; } } return result; }, _isValidBaseReplacementMotif : function(baseSequence, seqs) { var self = this; var mergeSequence = this._getMergeCharSequence(seqs); var length = baseSequence.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var bChar = baseSequence.charAt(i); var mChar = mergeSequence.charAt(i); if (mChar !== this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY && bChar !== this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY && mChar !== bChar) { return false; } } return true; }, _isValidChars : function(charString) { var charLen = charString.length; var result = true; var first = null; for (var i = 0; i < charLen; i++) { if (charString.charAt(i) == this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { continue; } if (! first) { first = charString.charAt(i); } var current = charString.charAt(i); if (current && first != current) { result = false; break; } } return result; }, _getReplacedCustomSequence : function(seqs) { var mergeSequence = this._getMergeCharSequence(seqs); var maxlength = this._baseSequence.length; var sb = []; for (var i = 0; i < maxlength; i++) { var bChar = this._baseSequence.charAt(i); var mChar = mergeSequence.charAt(i); if (mChar !== this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { // replaced sb.push(mChar); } else { sb.push(bChar); } } return sb.join(""); }, _getMergeCharSequence : function(seqs) { var count = seqs.length; var maxlength = this._baseSequence.length; var sb = []; for (var i = 0; i < maxlength; i++) { var chars = []; for (var j = 0; j < count; j++) { chars.push(seqs[j].charAt(i) ? seqs[j].charAt(i) : this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY); } sb.push(this._getMergeChar(chars.join(""))); } return sb.join(""); }, _getMergeChar : function(charString) { var charLen = charString.length; var result = null; for (var i = 0; i < charLen; i++) { if (charString.charAt(i) !== this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { result = charString.charAt(i); break; } } if (!result) { result = this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY; } return result; }, _wrappedReplacedSequenceHtml : function(replaceSequence, seqs) { var self = this, sb = []; var mergeSequence = this._getMergeCharSequence(seqs); var length = this._baseSequence.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var bChar = this._baseSequence.charAt(i); var rChar = replaceSequence.charAt(i); var mChar = mergeSequence.charAt(i); var seqChar = (bChar !== rChar) ? "<span class='replace'>" + rChar + "</span>" : rChar; if (mChar !== this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { sb.push("<span class='highlight-sequence'>" + seqChar + "</span>"); } else { sb.push(seqChar); } } return sb.join(""); }, _showError : function(message) { $errorMessageContainer = $("#" + this._containerId + " ." + this._errorContainerClass); $errorMessageContainer.html(message); $; }, getHtmlByReplacingOldSequence : function(oldSequence, newSequence) { var self = this, sb = []; for (var i = 0; i < oldSequence.length; i++) { var oChar = oldSequence.charAt(i); var nChar = newSequence.charAt(i); var seqChar = (oChar !== nChar) ? "<span class='replace'>" + oChar + "</span>" : oChar; if (nChar !== self.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { if (oChar !== self.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { sb.push("<span class='highlight-sequence'>" + seqChar + "</span>"); } else { sb.push(nChar); } } else { sb.push(oChar); } } return sb.join(""); }, getHtmlByReplacingNewSequence : function(oldSequence, newSequence) { var self = this, sb = []; for (var i = 0; i < oldSequence.length; i++) { var oChar = oldSequence.charAt(i); var nChar = newSequence.charAt(i); var seqChar = (oChar !== nChar) ? "<span class='replace'>" + nChar + "</span>" : nChar; if (nChar !== self.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { sb.push("<span class='highlight-sequence'>" + seqChar + "</span>"); } else { sb.push(oChar); } } return sb.join(""); }, getSequenceHtml : function(subject, drawSequence) { var self = this; self._outOfRangeArray = []; var sb = [], baseSequence = self._baseSequence; var getTriplesBySequenceProperty = function(sequenceList) { self._getTriplesBySequenceProperty(subject, drawSequence, sequenceList); } LinkData.getObjects(self._workId, self._fileName, subject, self._seqProperty, getTriplesBySequenceProperty); }, _getTriplesBySequenceProperty : function(subject, drawSequence, sequenceList) { var self = this; var getTriplesByPositionProperty = function(positionList) { self._drawSequenceList(drawSequence, sequenceList, positionList); } LinkData.getObjects(self._workId, self._fileName, subject, self._posProperty, getTriplesByPositionProperty); }, _drawSequenceList : function(drawSequence, sequenceList, positionList) { var self = this, sb = []; if (!sequenceList || sequenceList.length == 0) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < sequenceList.length; i++) { var customSeqString = self._getCustomSequenceHtml(self._baseSequence, sequenceList[i], positionList[i]); if (customSeqString.length > 0) { sb.push("<div>"); sb.push("<div class='userSequence'>" + customSeqString + "</div>"); sb.push(" <span class='deletelink "+ sequenceList[i] +"' onclick='self._deleteUserSequence("+ """ + sequenceList[i] + """ +","+ """ + self._containerId + """ +");'>"); sb.push("<img src='' title='Delete' /></span>"); //sb.push("<div> </div>"); sb.push("<div>"); } } sb.push("<div> </div>"); drawSequence(sb.join("\n")); }, getFormattedSequence : function(baseSeqLen, seq, pos) { var self = this, sb = []; var seqLen = seq.length; var tHold = Math.floor(seqLen / 2); var pos = parseInt(pos); var len = baseSeqLen - (tHold + pos); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { sb[sb.length] = self.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY; } sb[sb.length] = seq; return sb.join(""); }, replace : function(seqs, seqArray, posArray) { var self = this, isValid = self._isValidSequenceList(seqs); if (isValid) { if (seqs.length > 0) { var sb = []; var replaceSeq = self._getReplacedCustomSequence(seqs); sb[sb.length] = self._wrappedReplacedSequenceHtml(replaceSeq, seqs); //sb[sb.length] = self._getSequenceAndPositionHiddenHtml(seqArray, posArray); return sb.join(""); } } else { this._showError(self._default.msgInvalidSequence); } }, replaceWith : function(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs) { var main = [], seqArray = [], posArray = [], conflictArray = []; var seqLen = seq.length; var tHold = Math.floor(seqLen / 2); var pos = parseInt(pos); var baseSeqLen = this._baseSequence.length; var len = baseSeqLen - (tHold + pos); var corPos; seqArray.push(seq); posArray.push(pos); for (var j = 0; j < extraCopies + 1; j++) { var array = []; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { array.push(this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY); } array.push(seq); main.push(array.join("")); len = len - seqLen - basePairs; if (len < 0) { break; } } //return this.replace(main, seqArray, posArray); return main; }, getReplacingSeq : function(seq,pos) { var sb = [], out = []; var seqLen = seq.length; var tHold = Math.floor(seqLen / 2); var pos = parseInt(pos); var baseSeqLen = this._baseSequence.length; var len = baseSeqLen - (tHold + pos); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { sb.push(this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY); } sb.push(seq); return sb.join(""); }, getReColoredMotifViewSequnce : function(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs, replaceDivClass) { var self = this; var sb = []; var seqs = self.replaceWith(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs); var replaceSeq = self._getReplacedCustomSequence(seqs); var existingSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + replaceDivClass).text(); var repSeqLen = replaceSeq.length; for (var index = 0 ; index < repSeqLen ; index++) { var oChar = existingSequence.charAt(index); var nChar = replaceSeq.charAt(index); //var seqChar = (oChar !== nChar) ? "<span class='replace'>" + nChar + "</span>" : nChar; if (index < (repSeqLen - 50)) { if (nChar == oChar && nChar !== self.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { sb.push("<span class='highlight-sequence replace'>" + nChar + "</span>"); } else { sb.push(oChar); } } else { sb.push(oChar); } } //self._doReplaceWithHtml(sb.join("")); return sb.join(""); }, hideError : function() { $errorMessageContainer = $("#" + this._containerId + " ." + this._errorContainerClass).hide(); } };
.manualMotifView .manualMotifViewInfo { float: right; height: 90px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: -65px; position: relative; width: 380px; } .errorText { color: #FF0000; } .resultAreaUserMessageClass { color: #0A5DA6; font: bold 1.1em "Trebuchet MS","Helvetica","Arial","Verdana","sans-serif"; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; margin-top: -6px; margin-bottom: 4px; } .wrappedSequenceMotif { background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; margin: 10px 0 0; font-family: "Courier New","Lucida Console"; overflow: auto; word-wrap: break-word; /*white-space: nowrap;*/ width:100%; height:90px; word-break: break-all; } .motifViewDialog .motifviewinfo { float: right; margin-top: -150px; position: relative; width: 350px; } .manualsequence { float: right; height: 40px; overflow: auto; width: 300px; margin-bottom: 5px; } .motifviewsequence { float: right; height: 40px; overflow: auto; width: 240px; margin-bottom: 5px; } .motifViewDialog .explanation { color: #AAAAAA; font-size: 12px; margin-left : 200px; margin-top : -10px; }
<div id="container"></div>
Input Data
This application does not using any data or contains private/limited data.
Initial content
insert work id or work name.