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MotifCircadian = function(containerId, options) { new Application.motifMaxCircadian(containerId, options); }; if (Application === "undefined" || !Application) { var Application = {}; } Application.motifMaxCircadian = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; Application.motifMaxCircadian.prototype = { _containerId : null, _baseSequence : null, _options : null, _tooltip : null, _motifProperty : null, _heptamer : null, _octamer : null, _appSequence : null, _motifViewDialogId : null, _addAnotherMotifDialogId : null, _motifConflictConfirmDialogId : null, _geneInfoContainerId : null, _motifView : null, _fixedSequence : null, _dataColl : null, _extLinks : null, _appMenuHandler : null, _rankListWorkId : null, _plotingWorkId : null, _default : { appName : "MotifCircadian", selectRangeCaption : "Select Range", selectPropertyAreaClass : "selectPropertyArea", selectPropertyClass : "selectProperty", resultAreaClass : "resultArea", replaceButtonAreaClass : "replaceButtonArea", replaceButtonClass : "replaceButton", nextButtonAreaClass : "nextButtonArea", replaceSequenceClass : "replaceSequence", errorMessageAreaClass : "errorMessage", dialogErrorMessageClass : "dialogErrorMessage", dialogOutRangeValueMessage : "Please input a value between {0} and {1}", noSequenceForThisRange : "No sequence found for this range", invalidDatabase : "Invalid database. Please select valid database.", databaseInfoClass : "databaseInfo", addAnotherMotifButtonClass : "addAnotherMotifButton", geneLabelClass : "geneUrl", dbInfoLinkClass : "dbInfoLink", geneInfoLinkClass : "geneInfoLink", geneInfoAttedLinkClass : "geneInfoAttedLink", geneInfoPpdbLinkClass : "geneInfoPpdbLink", geneInfoEfpLinkClass : "geneInfoEfpLink", geneInfoHannaDbLinkClass : "geneInfoHannaDbLink", motifSequenceProperty : "motif sequence", motifPositionProperty : "motif position", sinePhaseProperty : "Sine Phase", sineAmplitudeProperty : "Sine Amplitude", typeProperty : "type", validType : "REG", motifViewDialogId : "motifViewDialog", motifViewDialogClass : "motifViewDialog", motifViewDialogTitle : "Motif View", conflictionDialogTitle : "Confliction", minSequenceClass : "minSeq", maxSequenceClass : "maxSeq", websiteNameAtted : "ATTED", websiteNamePpdb : "PPDB", geneTypeAtted : "ATTED", geneTypePpdb : "PPDB", baseSequenceMinLength : 50, dialogImageUrl : "", callback : function() {}, loadingImageContainer : "loadingImageContainer", loadingImageUrl : "", loadingMessageClass : "loadingMessage", fixedSequenceShowClass : "fixedSequenceMotif", wrappedMotifSequenceShowClass : "wrappedSequenceMotif", loadingMessage : "Loading linked data...", loadingMessageError : "There was an error with loading Linked data. Please refresh the browser", serverUrl : "", resultAreaUserMessage : "Scroll Left/Right to inspect motifs from this promoter. Click on a motif sequence to enter the advanced motif view.", resultAreaUserMessageClass : "resultAreaUserMessageClass", normalizedFileIncludeWord : "normalized" }, _tag : { topResult : "result_top", speedupDb : "motifcircadian" }, _tooltipName : { selectRange : "Select Range", atted2 : "atted-ii", hanaDb : "HanaDB", efp : "eFP", ppdb : "ppdb", replace : "Add Motifs", manuallyInputMotif : "userinputmotif", motifExpress : "motifexpress", motifCircatian : "motifcircadian", }, _init : function(containerId, options) { this._containerId = containerId; this._options = $.extend({}, this._default, options); this._baseSequence = this._options.baseSequence; this._fixedSequence = this._options.fixedSequence; this._dataColl = this._options.dataColl; this._rankListWorkId = this._options.rankListWorkId; this._plotingWorkId = this._options.plotingWorkId; var date = new Date(); this._geneInfoContainerId = "gene_info_containerId_" + date.getTime(); this._initToolTip(); this._initMotifProperty(this._options); this._initAppSequence(this._options); this._initExternalLinks(); this._initHeptamer(); this._initOctamer(); this._initView(); this._initDialog(); this._initMotifView(this._options); }, _initExternalLinks : function() { this._extLinks = new Application.externalLink("MotifCircadian"); }, _initToolTip : function() { var self = this; self._tooltip = (self._options.tooltip) ? self._options.tooltip : new Application.tooltip(); }, _initMotifProperty : function(opts) { var obj = { workId : opts.workId, fileName : opts.fileName }; this._motifProperty = new Application.motifProperty(obj); }, _initMotifView : function(opts) { var self = this; var obj = { baseSequenceMinLength : opts.baseSequenceMinLength, baseSequence : self._baseSequence, replaceSequenceClass : opts.replaceSequenceClass, callerObj : self, geneLabelClass : opts.geneLabelClass, motifMethod : opts.motifMethod } this._motifView = new Application.MotifView(this._containerId,obj); }, _initAppSequence : function(opts) { var self = this; var timer = new Application.timer(); var init = function() { var seqProperty = self._motifProperty.getPropertyByLabel(self._options.motifSequenceProperty); var posProperty = self._motifProperty.getPropertyByLabel(self._options.motifPositionProperty); if (seqProperty && posProperty) { var obj = { workId : opts.workId, fileName : opts.fileName, baseSequence : self._baseSequence, motifSequenceProperty : seqProperty, motifPositionProperty : posProperty, containerId : self._containerId, errorMessageClass : self._options.errorMessageAreaClass, baseSequenceMinLength : self._options.baseSequenceMinLength }; self._appSequence = new Application.sequence(obj); } else {; } } init(); }, _initHeptamer : function() { this._heptamer = new Application.heptamer(); }, _initOctamer : function() { this._octamer = new Application.octamer(); }, _initView : function() { this._initMainView(); this._initAddAnotherMotifDialogView(); this._initConflictConfirmDialogView(); }, _initDialog : function() { this._initAddAnotherMotifDialog(); this._initMotifConflictConfirmDialog(); }, _initMainView : function() { var self = this; var timer = new Application.timer(); var fillOptionMethod = function() { var optionArray = self._motifProperty.getOptionArray(); if (optionArray) { var sb = []; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self._options.selectPropertyAreaClass + " row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='label left' title='" + self._tooltip.getByKey(self._tooltipName.selectRange) +"'>" + self._options.selectRangeCaption + "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='left'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<select class='" + self._options.selectPropertyClass + "' title='" + self._tooltip.getByKey(self._tooltipName.selectRange) + "'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<option title='" + self._tooltip.getByKey(self._tooltipName.selectRange) + "' value='-1'>-- Select Range --</option>"; sb[sb.length] = "<option value='0-4'>0 to 4 Hours</option>"; sb[sb.length] = "<option value='4-8'>4 to 8 Hours</option>"; sb[sb.length] = "<option value='8-12'>8 to 12 Hours</option>"; sb[sb.length] = "<option value='12-16'>12 to 16 Hours</option>"; sb[sb.length] = "<option value='16-20'>16 to 20 Hours</option>"; sb[sb.length] = "<option value='20-24'>20 to 24 Hours</option>"; sb[sb.length] = "</select>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self._options.databaseInfoClass + " hidden'></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div id='" + self._geneInfoContainerId + "'></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self._options.errorMessageAreaClass + " hidden'>error</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self._options.resultAreaClass + " hidden'></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self._options.resultAreaUserMessageClass + " hidden'>"+ self._options.resultAreaUserMessage +"</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self._options.replaceButtonAreaClass + " hidden'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<a title='" + self._tooltip.getByKey(self._tooltipName.replace) + "' class='" + self._options.replaceButtonClass + " btn btn-lightblue'>Add Motifs</a> "; //sb[sb.length] = "<a title='" + self._tooltip.getByKey(self._tooltipName.manuallyInputMotif) + "' class='" + self._options.addAnotherMotifButtonClass + " btn btn-lightblue'>Manually Input Motif</a>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self._options.replaceSequenceClass + " hidden'></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self._options.wrappedMotifSequenceShowClass + " hidden'></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='" + self._options.fixedSequenceShowClass + " hidden'></span>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self._options.loadingImageContainer + " hidden' align='center'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='" + self._options.loadingMessageClass + "'>" + self._options.loadingMessage + "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<img src='" + self._options.loadingImageUrl + "'/>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; $("#" + self._containerId).html(sb.join("")); self._initListener(); self._scrollDown(); } else {; } } fillOptionMethod(); }, _initAddAnotherMotifDialogView : function() { var sb = [], self = this, date = new Date(); this._addAnotherMotifDialogId = "addAnotherMotifDialog_id_" + self._containerId + "_" + date.getTime(); sb[sb.length] = "<div id='" + this._addAnotherMotifDialogId + "' class='hidden'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='left'>Motif Sequence</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='left'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='text' class='anotherSequence'/>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='left'>Position(-550 to -50)</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='left'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='text' class='anotherPosition'/>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; $("#" + this._containerId).append(sb.join("")); }, _initConflictConfirmDialogView : function() { var sb = [], self = this, date = new Date(); self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId = "motifConflictConfirmDialog_id_" + self._containerId + "_" + date.getTime(); sb[sb.length] = "<div id='" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId + "' class='hidden'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>New motif overlaps with old one. Which one should be kept in overalp regions?</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='option'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div><label><input type='radio' name='motifReplaceOption' value='new'/> New</label></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div><label><input type='radio' name='motifReplaceOption' value='old'/> Old</label></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div><label><input type='radio' name='motifReplaceOption' value='discard'/> Discard new motif</label></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<label><input type='checkbox' class='motifReplaceApplyToAll' value='applytoall'/> Apply to all</label>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; $("#" + this._containerId).append(sb.join("")); }, _initListener : function() { var self = this; self._initSelectPropertyListener(); self._initAddAnotherMotifButtonListener(); }, _initSelectPropertyListener : function() { var self = this, workId = self._options.workId, fileName = self._options.fileName; var timer = new Application.timer(); var setSelectListener = function() { if ($("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.selectPropertyClass).length != 0) { $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.selectPropertyClass).change(function() { $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.loadingImageContainer).show(); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.loadingImageContainer + " ." + self._options.loadingMessageClass).html(self._options.loadingMessage); self._appSequence.hideError(); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.resultAreaClass).hide(); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.replaceButtonAreaClass).hide(); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.resultAreaUserMessageClass).hide(); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.replaceSequenceClass).html(""); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.replaceSequenceClass).hide(); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.databaseInfoClass).hide(); $("#" + self._containerId + " #" + self._geneInfoContainerId).hide(); var range = $("option:selected", this).val(); if (range && range != -1) { self._showMotifMaxCircadian(workId, fileName, range); } self._scrollDown(); }); } else {; } } setSelectListener(); }, _initAddAnotherMotifButtonListener : function() { var self = this; $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.addAnotherMotifButtonClass).click(function() { self._appSequence.hideError(); $("#" + self._addAnotherMotifDialogId + " .anotherSequence").val(""); $("#" + self._addAnotherMotifDialogId + " .anotherPosition").val(""); $("#" + self._addAnotherMotifDialogId).dialog("open"); }); }, _showGenePlot : function(workId, fileName, subject, property) { var self = this; var plotWorkId; if (self._plotingWorkId == "-") { plotWorkId = workId; } else { plotWorkId = self._plotingWorkId } $("#" + self._containerId + " #" + self._geneInfoContainerId).show(); var options = { workId : plotWorkId, fileName : self._getPlotFileName(fileName), originalFileName : fileName, subject : subject, property : property, appName : self._options.appName, dataCollection : self._dataColl, geneLocus : self._motifProperty.getGeneBySubject(subject) }; new Application.geneChart(self._geneInfoContainerId, options); }, _getPlotFileName : function(fileName) { if (fileName.indexOf("_mean") != -1) { var strComp = fileName.split("_mean"); return strComp[0]; } else if (fileName.indexOf("_median") != -1) { var strComp = fileName.split("_median"); return strComp[0]; } else { return fileName; } }, _showDataBaseInformationList : function() { var self = this, seqVal = []; $("#" + self._containerId + " .userSequence .hdnSequence").each(function() { var tmpPos = $(this).siblings(".hdnCorPosition").val(); seqVal.push($(this).val() + "[" + tmpPos + "]"); }); self._showDatabaseInfo(seqVal.join(", ")); }, _initReplaceButtonLitener : function() { var self = this, workId = self._options.workId, fileName = self._options.fileName; $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.replaceButtonClass).unbind("click"); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.replaceButtonClass).click(function() { var seqs = [], nonConflictSeqs = [], seqArray = [], posArray = [], conflictArray = []; $("#" + self._containerId + " .userSequence").each(function() { seqs.push($(this).text()); var seq = $(this).find(".hdnSequence").val(); var pos = $(this).find(".hdnPosition").val(); seqArray.push(seq); posArray.push(pos); if (self._hasConfliction(seq, pos)) { conflictArray.push(seq + "|" + pos); } else { nonConflictSeqs.push($(this).text()); } }); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.replaceSequenceClass).html(""); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.replaceSequenceClass).hide(); if (conflictArray.length > 0) { if (nonConflictSeqs.length > 0) { self._doReplace(nonConflictSeqs, seqArray, posArray); } self._handleConfliction(conflictArray); } else { self._doReplace(seqs, seqArray, posArray); } self._scrollDown(); }); }, _scrollDown : function() { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, 1000); }, _hasConfliction : function(seq, pos, oldSequence) { var self = this; if (!oldSequence) { oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.resultAreaClass + " .baseSequence").html(); } var formattedSeq = self._appSequence.getFormattedSequence(self._baseSequence.length, seq, pos); var array = [formattedSeq]; var newSequence = self._appSequence._getMergeCharSequence(array); for (var i = 0; i < oldSequence.length; i++) { var oChar = oldSequence.charAt(i); var nChar = newSequence.charAt(i); if (nChar !== "-" && oChar !== "-" && nChar !== oChar) { return true; } } return false; }, _handleConfliction : function(conflictArray) { var self = this; if (conflictArray.length > 0) { var arr = conflictArray[0].split("|"); var bArray = self._getConflictConfirmDialogButtonArray(conflictArray); var dialogTitle = self._options.conflictionDialogTitle + " - " + arr[0] + "[" + arr[1] + "]"; $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).find("input[name='motifReplaceOption'][value='new']").attr("checked", "checked"); var checkBox = $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).find("input[class='motifReplaceApplyToAll']"); $(checkBox).attr("checked",$(checkBox).is(':checked')); $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).dialog({title : dialogTitle}); $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).dialog({buttons : bArray}); $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).dialog("open"); } else { $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).find("input[class='motifReplaceApplyToAll']").attr("checked", "checked"); } }, _replaceWithOption : function(option, isApplyToAll, conflictArray) { var self = this; if (isApplyToAll) { self._replaceAllWithOption(option, conflictArray); } else { var value = conflictArray.splice(0, 1); var arr = value[0].split("|"); self._replaceSequenceByOption(option, arr[0], arr[1]); self._handleConfliction(conflictArray); } }, _replaceAllWithOption : function(option, conflictArray) { var self = this, html = oldSequence; var oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.replaceSequenceClass).text(); if (!oldSequence) { oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.resultAreaClass + " .baseSequence").html(); } $.each(conflictArray, function(key, conflict) { var arr = conflict.split("|"); self._replaceSequenceByOption(option, arr[0], arr[1]); }); }, _replaceSequenceByOption : function(option, seq, pos) { var self = this; var oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.replaceSequenceClass).text(); if (!oldSequence) { oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.resultAreaClass + " .baseSequence").html(); } var formattedSeq = self._appSequence.getFormattedSequence(self._baseSequence.length, seq, pos); var seqArray = [formattedSeq]; var newSequence = self._appSequence._getMergeCharSequence(seqArray); var html = oldSequence; if (option === "new") { html = self._appSequence.getHtmlByReplacingNewSequence(oldSequence, newSequence); } else if (option === "old") { html = self._appSequence.getHtmlByReplacingOldSequence(oldSequence, newSequence); } self._doReplaceWithHtml(html); }, _getConflictConfirmDialogButtonArray : function(conflictArray) { var self = this; return [ { text: "Done", click : function() { $(this).dialog("close"); var option = $(this).find("input[name='motifReplaceOption']:checked").val(); var isApplyToAll = $(this).find(".motifReplaceApplyToAll").is(":checked"); self._replaceWithOption(option, isApplyToAll, conflictArray); } }, { text: "Cancel", click : function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } ]; }, _doReplace : function(seqs, seqArray, posArray) { var self = this; var html = self._appSequence.replace(seqs, seqArray, posArray); self._doReplaceWithHtml(html); }, _doReplaceWithHtml : function(html) { var self = this, sb = []; var wrappedHtml = this._getAddedSquenceWithoutFixedSequence(html); var subject = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.geneLabelClass).val(); var gene = self._motifProperty.getGeneBySubject(subject); var geneType = self._getGeneType(); sb[sb.length] = html; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='hidden' class='gene' value='" + gene + "'/>"; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='hidden' class='geneType' value='" + geneType + "'/>"; $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._default.wrappedMotifSequenceShowClass).show(); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._default.wrappedMotifSequenceShowClass).html(wrappedHtml); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.replaceSequenceClass).html(sb.join("")); var ref = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._default.wrappedMotifSequenceShowClass); $(ref).animate({scrollTop: $(ref).height()}, 800); self._showDataBaseInformationList(); self._options.callback(); }, _getAddedSquenceWithoutFixedSequence : function(html) { var index = html.lastIndexOf(this._fixedSequence); var length = index + this._fixedSequence.length; if (html.length == length) { var html = html.substr(0,index); } return html; }, _addAnotherMotif : function(seq, pos) { var self = this, conflictArray = []; var oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.replaceSequenceClass).text(); if (!oldSequence) { oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.resultAreaClass + " .baseSequence").html(); } if (self._hasConfliction(seq, pos, oldSequence)) { conflictArray.push(seq + "|" + pos); } if (conflictArray.length > 0) { self._handleConfliction(conflictArray); } else { self._replaceSequenceByOption("new", seq, pos); } }, _showPopupWindow : function(url) { var winWidth = 800; var winHeight = 800; var winLeft = parseInt((screen.availWidth/2) - (winWidth/2)); var winTop = parseInt((screen.availHeight/2) - (winHeight/2)); var winStyle = "width=" + winWidth + ",height=" + winHeight + ",left=" + winLeft + ",top=" + winTop + ",screenX=" + winLeft + ",screenY=" + winTop + ",scrollbars=1";, "Motif", winStyle); }, _initAddAnotherMotifDialog : function() { var self = this; $("#" + self._addAnotherMotifDialogId).dialog({ autoOpen: false, title: "Input Motif", buttons : [ { text: "Add", click : function() { var seq = $(this).find(".anotherSequence").val(); var pos = Math.abs($(this).find(".anotherPosition").val()); if (seq && pos) { self._addAnotherMotif(seq, pos); $(this).dialog("close"); } } }, { text: "Cancel", click : function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } ] }); }, _initMotifConflictConfirmDialog : function() { var self = this; $("#" + self._motifConflictConfirmDialogId).dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 420, dialogClass : "motifConflictionDialog" }); }, _getMotifMaxCircadianTriple : function(workId, fileName, range) { var self = this; var property = self._motifProperty.getPropertyByLabel(self._options.sinePhaseProperty); var amplitudeProperty = self._motifProperty.getPropertyByLabel(self._options.sineAmplitudeProperty); if (!property) { $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.loadingImageContainer).hide(); self._appSequence._showError(self._options.invalidDatabase); return; } var index = new Application.index(1, 5000); var maxCircadianTriple; var getSinePhasePropertyList = function(sinePhaseTripleList) { var getSineAmplitudePropertyList = function(amplitudeTripleList) { var tmpMaxCircadianTriple = self._getMaxCircadianTriple(range, sinePhaseTripleList, amplitudeTripleList); if (tmpMaxCircadianTriple) { if (!maxCircadianTriple) { maxCircadianTriple = tmpMaxCircadianTriple; } var tmpMaxValue = parseFloat(maxCircadianTriple.object); var currentValue = parseFloat(tmpMaxCircadianTriple.object); if (Math.max(tmpMaxValue, currentValue) != tmpMaxValue) { maxCircadianTriple = tmpMaxCircadianTriple; } } if (sinePhaseTripleList && sinePhaseTripleList.length == index.getItemCount()) { LinkData.getTriplesByProperty(workId, fileName, property, getSinePhasePropertyList, index.increment()); } else { self._motifMaxCircadianSequence(workId, fileName, maxCircadianTriple.subject, property); } } LinkData.getTriplesByProperty(workId, fileName, amplitudeProperty, getSineAmplitudePropertyList, index.getIndex()); } LinkData.getTriplesByProperty(workId, fileName, property, getSinePhasePropertyList, index.getIndex()); }, _monitorAppDataLoading : function() { var self = this; var maxRetry = 120; // 120 seconds var timer = new Application.timer(); timer.setMaxRetryCount(maxRetry); var checkLoadingArea = function() { if (maxRetry == 0) { if (LinkData.activeAjaxConnections > 0) { maxRetry = 10;; } else { $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.loadingMessageClass).html(self._options.loadingMessageError); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.loadingImageContainer + " img").hide(); return; } } var dbInfoArea = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.databaseInfoClass); if (!$(dbInfoArea).is(":visible")) {; } else { return; } maxRetry--; }; checkLoadingArea(); }, _showMotifMaxCircadian : function(workId, fileName, range) { var self = this; var arr = range.split("-"); var rangePhrase = "_" + arr[0] + "to" + arr[1]; //var rangePhrase = arr[0] + "to" + arr[1]; //var fileSuffix = rangePhrase + "_top"; var foundSpeedUpDbFile = false; var getFilesByTag = function(resultList) { $.each(resultList, function(wId, fileList) { $.each(fileList, function(fKey, fName) { if (wId == self._rankListWorkId) { var propLabel = self._dataColl + rangePhrase; self._getTopFilePropertyList(workId, fileName, wId, fName, propLabel); foundSpeedUpDbFile = true; return false; } /* var speedUpFileName = null; // finding weather the file name containes the 'normalized' part var fileNameComps = fileName.split("_"); var filePrefix = fileNameComps[0] + "_" + fileNameComps[1]; if (fileNameComps.indexOf(self.normalizedFileIncludeWord) > -1) { // generating the normalize file name var speedUpFileName = filePrefix + self.normalizedFileIncludeWord + fileSuffix; } else { speedUpFileName = filePrefix + fileSuffix; } if (fName.toLowerCase().trim() == speedUpFileName.toLowerCase().trim()) { var propLabel = self._dataColl + rangePhrase; self._getTopFilePropertyList(workId, fileName, wId, fName, propLabel); foundTopFile = true; return false; }*/ }); if (foundSpeedUpDbFile) { return false; } }); if (!foundSpeedUpDbFile) { self._getMotifMaxCircadianTriple(workId, fileName, range); } } self._monitorAppDataLoading(); //LinkData.getFilesByTag(null, self._tag.topResult, getFilesByTag); LinkData.getFilesByTag(null, self._tag.speedupDb, getFilesByTag); }, _getTopFilePropertyList : function(workId, fileName, speedUpDbWorkId, speedUpDbFileName, propLabel) { var self = this; var getProperties = function(propList) { $.each(propList, function(propKey, propValue) { var tmpProp = self._motifProperty._getLabel(propValue); if (tmpProp.indexOf(propLabel) > -1) { self._showMaxCircadian(workId, fileName, speedUpDbWorkId, speedUpDbFileName, propValue); return false; } /*var tmpProp = self._motifProperty._getLabel(propValue); var endsWithPhrase = tmpProp.match(range_phrase + "$"); if (tmpProp.indexOf(self._dataColl) > -1 && endsWithPhrase) { self._showMaxCircadian(workId, fileName, speedUpDbWorkId, speedUpDbFileName, propValue); return false; }*/ }); } LinkData.getProperties(speedUpDbWorkId, speedUpDbFileName, getProperties); }, _showMaxCircadian : function(workId, fileName, speedUpDbWorkId, speedUpDbFileName, speedUpDbProperty) { var self = this; var index = new Application.index(1, 1000); var getTriplesByProperty = function(tripleList) { self._showMotifMaxCircadianByTripleList(workId, fileName, tripleList); } LinkData.getTriplesByProperty(speedUpDbWorkId, speedUpDbFileName, speedUpDbProperty, getTriplesByProperty, index.getIndex()); }, _showMotifMaxCircadianByTripleList : function(workId, fileName, tripleList) { this._getPropertyListAndCheckForValidSequence(workId, fileName, tripleList, 0); }, _checkForValidnessBySequence : function(workId, fileName, posList, tripleList, subjectIndex) { var self = this, i = 0, subject = tripleList[subjectIndex].object; var seqProperty = self._motifProperty.getPropertyByLabel(self._options.motifSequenceProperty); var checkForValidSequence = function(seqTripleList) { var found = false; $.each(seqTripleList, function(seqKey, seqValue) { var tmpPos = parseInt(posList[i]); if (self._isPositionValid(seqValue,tmpPos)) { self._motifMaxCircadianSequence(workId, fileName, subject, seqProperty); //console.debug("found subject " + subject); found = true; return false; } i++; }); if (!found) { subjectIndex++; self._getPropertyListAndCheckForValidSequence(workId, fileName, tripleList, subjectIndex); } } LinkData.getObjects(workId, fileName, subject, seqProperty, checkForValidSequence); }, _getPropertyListAndCheckForValidSequence : function(workId, fileName, tripleList, subjectIndex) { var self = this, i = 0, subject = tripleList[subjectIndex].object; var posProperty = self._motifProperty.getPropertyByLabel(self._options.motifPositionProperty); var checkProperties = function(posTripleList) { self._checkForValidnessBySequence(workId, fileName, posTripleList, tripleList, subjectIndex); } LinkData.getObjects(workId, fileName, subject, posProperty, checkProperties); }, _isPositionValid : function(sequence,position) { var tHold = Math.floor(sequence.length / 2); var motifCorectedStartingPoint = position - (sequence.length / 2); var suffixLen = this._baseSequence.length - (tHold + position); if (motifCorectedStartingPoint >= this._options.baseSequenceMinLength && suffixLen >= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }, _getMaxCircadianTriple : function(range, sinePhaseTripleList, amplitudeTripleList) { var self = this, arr = range.split("-"); var startValue = parseFloat(arr[0]), endValue = parseFloat(arr[1]); var maxIndex = -1, maxValue = -99999; $.each (sinePhaseTripleList, function(tKey, tValue) { var tmpVal = parseFloat(tValue.object); if (tmpVal != endValue && Math.max(tmpVal, startValue) == tmpVal && Math.min(tmpVal, endValue) == tmpVal) { $.each (amplitudeTripleList, function(aKey, aValue) { if (tValue.subject == aValue.subject) { var amplitude = parseFloat(aValue.object); if (Math.max(maxValue, amplitude) != maxValue) { maxValue = amplitude; maxIndex = aKey; } } }); } }); if (maxIndex != -1) { return amplitudeTripleList[maxIndex]; } }, _getDataBaseWebsiteName : function() { var self = this; var fileName = self._options.fileName if (fileName.indexOf(self._options.websiteNameAtted) > -1) { return self._options.websiteNameAtted; } else if (fileName.indexOf(self._options.websiteNamePpdb) > -1) { return self._options.websiteNamePpdb; } else { return "UNKNOWN"; } }, _getGeneType : function() { var self = this, fileName = self._options.fileName; if (fileName.indexOf(self._options.geneTypeAtted) > -1) { return self._options.geneTypeAtted; } else if (fileName.indexOf(self._options.geneTypePpdb) > -1) { return self._options.geneTypePpdb; } else { return "UNKNOWN"; } }, _motifMaxCircadianSequence : function(workId, fileName, subject, property) { var self = this; var drawSequence = function(seqHtml) { var sb = []; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='hidden' class='" + self._default.geneLabelClass + "' value='" + subject + "'/>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='baseSequence'>" + self._baseSequence + "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = seqHtml; $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.resultAreaClass).html(sb.join("")); if (seqHtml.length == 0) { $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.replaceButtonAreaClass).hide(); } self._motifView._initMotifSequenceListener(); self._initReplaceButtonLitener(); self._showDataBaseInformationList(); self._showGenePlot(workId, fileName, subject, property); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.resultAreaClass).show(); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.resultAreaClass).scrollLeft(10000); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.replaceButtonAreaClass).show(); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.resultAreaUserMessageClass).show(); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.loadingImageContainer).hide(); self._scrollDown(); } self._appSequence.getSequenceHtml(subject, drawSequence); }, _getSeqElBySeq : function(seq) { if (seq && seq.trim().length == 7) { return this._heptamer.getBySequence(seq); } else if (seq && seq.trim().length == 8) { return this._octamer.getBySequence(seq); } }, _showDatabaseInfo : function(seqVal) { var self = this, workId = self._options.workId, fileName = self._options.fileName, appName = self._options.appName; var propLabel = $("option:selected", "#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.selectPropertyClass).val(); var subject = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.geneLabelClass).val(); var label = self._motifProperty._getDisplayLabel(propLabel); label = (label && label.trim().length != 0) ? label : propLabel; var usedMotif = (seqVal.length != 0) ? seqVal : "-"; var dbInfoHtml = self._getDatabaseInfo(workId, fileName, appName, subject, label, usedMotif); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.databaseInfoClass).html(dbInfoHtml); $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.databaseInfoClass).show(); self._previewListener(subject); this._scrollDown(); }, _previewListener : function(subject) { var self = this; var gene = self._motifProperty.getGeneBySubject(subject); self._dbPreviewListener(); self._initExternalLinksListner(gene); }, _initExternalLinksListner : function(gene) { var self = this; $("#" + this._containerId + " .externalLink").click(function() { var curGene = gene; var url = $(this).attr("linkurl"); if (!(url)) return; var geneCase = $(this).attr("genecase"); if (geneCase == "U") { curGene = gene.toUpperCase(); } url = url.replace("{0}",curGene); self._showPopupWindow(url); }) }, _dbPreviewListener : function() { var self = this; var workId = self._options.workId, fileName = self._options.fileName; var url = self._options.serverUrl + "work/" + workId + "/" + fileName + ".html#work_information"; $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._options.dbInfoLinkClass).click(function() { self._showPopupWindow(url); }); }, _getDatabaseInfo : function(workId, fileName, method, subject, property, motif) { var self = this; var gene = self._motifProperty.getGeneBySubject(subject); var sb = []; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='label left'>Database</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='left'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span title='" + self._tooltip.getByKey(fileName) + "'>" + fileName + "</span>"; sb[sb.length] = "<a href='javascript:void(0);' class='externalLink " + self._options.dbInfoLinkClass + "'>LinkData</a>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='label left'>Tool</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='left' title='" + self._tooltip.getByKey(self._tooltipName.motifCircatian) + "'>" + method + "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='label left'>Gene Locus</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='left'>"; //sb[sb.length] = "<a href='javascript:void(0);' class='externalLink " + self._options.geneInfoLinkClass + "'>" + gene + "</a>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span>" + gene + "</span>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; /* sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='label left'>Motif Analysis Links</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='left'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<a title='" + self._tooltip.getByKey(self._tooltipName.atted2) + "' href='javascript:void(0);' class='externalLink " + self._options.geneInfoAttedLinkClass + "'>ATTED-II</a>"; sb[sb.length] = "<a title='" + self._tooltip.getByKey(self._tooltipName.ppdb) + "' href='javascript:void(0);' class='externalLink " + self._options.geneInfoPpdbLinkClass + "'>PPDB</a>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>" sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='label left'>Gene Expression Visualization Links</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='left'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<a title='" + self._tooltip.getByKey(self._tooltipName.efp) + "' href='javascript:void(0);' class='externalLink " + self._options.geneInfoEfpLinkClass + "'>eFP</a>"; sb[sb.length] = "<a title='" + self._tooltip.getByKey(self._tooltipName.hanaDb) + "' href='javascript:void(0);' class='externalLink " + self._options.geneInfoHannaDbLinkClass + "'>HanaDB</a>" sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>";*/ this._prepareExternalLinks(sb); sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='label left'>Range</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='left'>" + property + " Hours </div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='label left'>Motif</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='left motif'>" + motif + "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; return sb.join(""); }, _prepareExternalLinks : function(htmlArray) { var self = this; var categoryNames = this._extLinks._getDistinctCategories(); for (var index = 0 ; index < categoryNames.length ; index++) { var categoryName = categoryNames[index]; var links = this._extLinks._getExternalLinksForCategory(categoryName); htmlArray[htmlArray.length] = "<div class='row'>"; htmlArray[htmlArray.length] = "<div class='label left'>"+ categoryName +"</div>"; for (var i = 0 ; i < links.length ; i++) { var linkInfo = links[i]; htmlArray[htmlArray.length] = "<div class='left'>"; htmlArray[htmlArray.length] = "<a title='" + self._tooltip.getByKey(linkInfo.linkName) + "' href='javascript:void(0);' class='externalLink " + self._options.geneInfoEfpLinkClass + "' linkurl='"+ linkInfo.url +"' genecase='"+ linkInfo.geneCase +"'>"+ linkInfo.linkName +"</a>"; htmlArray[htmlArray.length] = "</div>"; } htmlArray[htmlArray.length] = "</div>"; } }, }; Application.Util = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } Application.Util.prototype = { _containerId : null, _errTextClass : null, _manualMotifErrorDialogId : null, _baseSequenceMinLength : null, _baseSequenceLength : null, _init : function(args) { this._containerId = args.containerId; this._errTextClass = args.errTextClass; this._baseSequenceMinLength = args.baseSequenceMinLength; this._baseSequenceLength = args.baseSequenceLength; this._motifErrorDialogId = "_manulaMotifMotif_Err_Dialog_" + this._containerId; this._initMotifInitErrDialogView(); this._initMotifErrorDialog(); }, _initMotifInitErrDialogView : function() { var sb = []; sb[sb.length] = "<div id='"+ this._motifErrorDialogId +"' class='hidden'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>Following error(s) found while trying to add the add/place the motif</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<ul class='motiferror'></ul>"; sb[sb.length] = "</br>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>Would you like to correct it automatically ?</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; $("#" + this._containerId).append(sb.join("")); }, _initMotifErrorDialog : function() { var self = this; $("#" + self._motifErrorDialogId).dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 600, model: true }); }, _validateManulMotifCenterPosition : function(sequnceLength,position) { if (sequnceLength > 0) { $("#" + this._motifErrorDialogId + " .motiferror").html(""); var corProsition = this.getCalculatedMotifInsertRange(sequnceLength); position = Math.abs(position); if ((position < corProsition.startPoint) || (position > corProsition.endPoint)) { position = corProsition.startPoint; this._putManulMotifError("Defined position is out of range. So assigned the default postion as -" + position); } var val = sequnceLength % 2; position = Math.abs(position); var havingDecimalEntry = (position.toString().indexOf(".") != -1) ? true : false; if (val > 0) { // odd length case if (havingDecimalEntry == true) { position = position.toString().split(".")[0]; this._putManulMotifError("Since the sequnce lenght is an odd no, the correct postion should be - " + position); } } else { //even length case if (havingDecimalEntry == false) { position = position + 0.5; this._putManulMotifError("Since the sequnce lenght is an even no, the correct postion should be - " + position); }else { var decPart = position.toString().split(".")[1]; if (decPart != "5") { position = position.toString().split(".")[0] + ".5"; this._putManulMotifError("The sequnce lenght is an odd no. For odd lengths, the correct postion should be - " + position); } } } } return position; }, _putManulMotifError : function(errInfo) { var errText = $("#" + this._motifErrorDialogId + " .motiferror"); var content = errText.html(); errText.html(content + "</br>" + "<li><span class='"+ this._errTextClass +"'>" + errInfo + "</span></li>"); }, getCalculatedMotifInsertRange : function(sequnceLength) { var centerPos = Math.floor(sequnceLength / 2); var corStartPoint = this._baseSequenceMinLength + centerPos; var corEndPoint = this._baseSequenceLength - centerPos; if (this.isValueEven(sequnceLength) == false) { corStartPoint = corStartPoint + 1; } else { corStartPoint = corStartPoint + 0.5; corEndPoint = corEndPoint + 0.5; } var obj = { startPoint : corStartPoint, endPoint : corEndPoint }; return obj; }, isValueEven : function(val) { var val = val % 2; if (val > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }, _getMotifEntryErrButtonArray : function(correctPos,textEleRef) { var self = this; return [ { text: "Yes", click : function() { $(textEleRef).val("-" + Math.abs(correctPos)); $(this).dialog("close"); } }, { text: "No", click : function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } ]; }, _showMotifErrorDialog : function(corectedPos,textEleRef) { var bArray = this._getMotifEntryErrButtonArray(corectedPos,textEleRef); var dialogTitle = "Motif Insert/Place Errors"; $("#" + this._motifErrorDialogId).dialog({title : dialogTitle}); $("#" + this._motifErrorDialogId).dialog({buttons : bArray}); $("#" + this._motifErrorDialogId).dialog("open"); } }; Application.MotifView = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } Application.MotifView.prototype = { _containerId : null, _motifViewAreaId : null, _baseSequenceMinLength : null, _baseSequence : null, _replaceSequenceClass : null, _callerObj : null, _geneLabelClass : null, _motifViewErrDlgId : null, _appUtil : null, _motifMethod : null, _init : function(containerId,args) { date = new Date(); this._containerId = containerId; this._baseSequenceMinLength = args.baseSequenceMinLength; this._baseSequence = args.baseSequence; this._replaceSequenceClass = args.replaceSequenceClass; this._callerObj = args.callerObj; this._geneLabelClass = args.geneLabelClass; this._motifMethod = args.motifMethod; this._motifViewAreaId = "motifViewDialog_id_" + this._containerId + "_" + date.getTime(); this._motifViewErrDlgId = "motifViewErrDlg_Id_" + this._containerId + "_" + date.getTime(); this._initAppUtil(); }, defaults : { dialogErrorMessageClass : 'dialogErrorMessage', dialogOutRangeValueMessage : "Please input a value between {0} and {1}", geneLabelClass : "geneUrl" }, _initAppUtil : function() { var self = this; var obj = { containerId : self._containerId, errTextClass : 'errorText', baseSequenceMinLength : self._baseSequenceMinLength, baseSequenceLength : self._baseSequence.length } self._appUtil = new Application.Util(obj); }, getMotifViewHtml : function(sequnce) { var sb = [], self = this, date = new Date(); sb[sb.length] = "<fieldset class='motifViewDialog'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<legend>Motif view: edit the position and copy number of a motif</legend>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div id='" + this._motifViewAreaId + "' class='hidden "+ sequnce +"'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='hidden' class='sequence'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='label left'>Place motif at position</span>"; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='text' class='position'/>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='explanation left'>Place motif with center position between <br/>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='minSeq'></span> and <span class='maxSeq'>"; sb[sb.length] = "</span>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='label left'>Number of extra copies</span>"; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='text' class='extraCopies' value='0'/>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='row'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='label left'>Space between copies (Base Pairs)</span>"; sb[sb.length] = "<input type='text' class='basePairs' value='0'/>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; //sb[sb.length] = "<div class='motifImageArea'>"; //sb[sb.length] = "<img src='" + this._options.dialogImageUrl + "'/>"; //sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='explanation explink'>Click "; //sb[sb.length] = "<a class='moreInfo'>here</a> to see the additional information about motif from " + self._getDataBaseWebsiteName() + " website"; sb[sb.length] = "<a class='moreInfo'>here</a> to see the additional information about motif"; sb[sb.length] = "</span>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='dialogErrorMessage errorMessage hidden'></span>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<a id='motifview_placeMotif' class='btn btn-lightblue'>Place Motif</a>"; sb[sb.length] = " "; //sb[sb.length] = "<a id='motifview_cancel' class='btn btn-lightblue'>Cancel</a>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<fieldset class='motifviewinfo'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div style='float:left'>Motif Sequence:</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='motifviewsequence'></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div style='width=100%;float:left'>"; //sb[sb.length] = "<span class='motifsequence' /></br>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='motifmethod' /></br>"; sb[sb.length] = "<span class='motifrecpos' />"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>";; sb[sb.length] = "</fieldset>"; sb[sb.length] = "</fieldset>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; return sb.join(""); }, drawMotifView : function(sequence,appropriatePos) { var self = this; var htmlContent = this.getMotifViewHtml(sequence); var dialogSelector = "#" + self._motifViewAreaId + "." + sequence; $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._replaceSequenceClass).before(htmlContent); $(dialogSelector).find(".motifviewsequence").html(sequence); $(dialogSelector).find(".motifmethod").html("Motif Type: " + (this._motifMethod ? this._motifMethod : "")); $(dialogSelector).find(".motifrecpos").html("Motif default position: -" + Math.abs(appropriatePos)); $(dialogSelector).show(); $(dialogSelector).find("#motifview_placeMotif").click(function() { var seq = $(dialogSelector).find(".sequence").val(); var pos = Math.abs($(dialogSelector).find(".position").val()); var extraCopies = parseInt($(dialogSelector).find(".extraCopies").val()); var basePairs = parseInt($(dialogSelector).find(".basePairs").val()); var minPos = parseFloat($(dialogSelector).find(".minSeq").html()); var maxPos = parseFloat($(dialogSelector).find(".maxSeq").html()); var position = self._appUtil._validateManulMotifCenterPosition(seq.length,pos); if (Math.abs(pos) != position) { self._appUtil._showMotifErrorDialog(position,$(dialogSelector).find(".position")); } else { $(dialogSelector).find(".position").val("-" + Math.abs(pos)); self._replaceWithSequence(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs); } }); }, _replaceWithSequence : function(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs) { var self = this, sb = []; self._placeMotifViewSequnce(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs); var html = self._callerObj._appSequence.getReColoredMotifViewSequnce(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs, self._replaceSequenceClass); self._callerObj._doReplaceWithHtml(html); }, _placeMotifViewSequnce : function(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs) { var self =this,conflictArray = []; var corPos; //replaceSequenceByOption var oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self._replaceSequenceClass).text(); if (!oldSequence) { oldSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + self.defaults.resultAreaClass + " .baseSequence").html(); } for (var j = 0; j < extraCopies + 1; j++) { if (j == 0) { corPos = pos; } else { corPos = corPos + (basePairs) + (seq.length); } if (self._callerObj._hasConfliction(seq, corPos, oldSequence)) { conflictArray.push(seq + "|" + corPos); } else { self._callerObj._replaceSequenceByOption("new", seq, corPos); } self._callerObj._handleConfliction(conflictArray); } //return out.join(""); }, isMotifViewExists : function(sequnce) { if ($("#" + this._motifViewAreaId + "."+ sequnce).length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }, _getMinPosition : function(seq) { var self = this; var mod = seq.length % 2; var tHold = (mod == 1) ? 1 : 0.5; return self._baseSequenceMinLength + Math.floor(seq.length / 2) + tHold; }, _getMaxPosition : function(seq) { var self = this; var mod = seq.length % 2; var tHold = (mod == 1) ? 0 : 0.5; return self._baseSequence.length - 1 - Math.floor(seq.length / 2) + tHold; }, _initPositionInsert : function(seq, pos) { return; var self = this; var mod = seq.length % 2; $("#" + self._motifViewAreaId + " .position").unbind("keyup"); $("#" + self._motifViewAreaId + " .position").keyup(function() { var val = $(this).val(); if (isNaN(val)) { $(this).val(pos); return; } var tmpVal = new String(Math.abs(val)); if (mod == 0) { if (tmpVal.indexOf(".") == -1) { $(this).val(tmpVal + ".5"); } else { $(this).val(tmpVal.split(".")[0] + ".5"); } } else { if (tmpVal.indexOf(".") > -1) { $(this).val(tmpVal.split(".")[0]); } } }); }, _initMotifSequenceListener : function() { var self = this; $("#" + self._containerId + " .motifSequence").click(function() { //$("." + self._options.motifViewDialogClass).hide(); var parent = $(this).closest('.userSequence'); var container = $(this).closest('.userSequence'); var seq = $(parent).find(".hdnSequence").val(); //var pos = $(parent).find(".hdnPosition").val(); var pos = $(parent).find(".hdnCorPosition").val(); var appropriatePos = 0; var seqEl = null; if (self._callerObj._getSeqElBySeq) { seqEl = self._callerObj._getSeqElBySeq(seq); appropriatePos = (seqEl && seqEl.getAppropriatePos()) ? seqEl.getAppropriatePos() : pos; } else { appropriatePos = pos; } if (self.isMotifViewExists(seq) == false) { self.drawMotifView(seq,appropriatePos); self._initSequencePopup(seqEl,seq); var dialogSelector = "#" + self._motifViewAreaId + "." + seq; $(dialogSelector + " ." + self.defaults.dialogErrorMessageClass).hide(); $(dialogSelector + " .sequence").val(seq); $(dialogSelector + " .position").val("-" + Math.abs(appropriatePos)); $(dialogSelector + " .extraCopies").val(0); $(dialogSelector + " .basePairs").val(0); $(dialogSelector + " .minSeq").html("-" + Math.abs(self._getMinPosition(seq))); $(dialogSelector + " .maxSeq").html("-" + Math.abs(self._getMaxPosition(seq))); self._initPositionInsert(seq, appropriatePos); $(dialogSelector).show(); } }); }, _initSequencePopup : function(seqEl,sequence) { var self = this; var dialogSelector = "#" + self._motifViewAreaId + "." + sequence; $(dialogSelector + " .moreInfo").unbind("click"); var url = (seqEl && seqEl.getExternalUrl()) ? seqEl.getExternalUrl() : "#"; if (url == "#") { $(dialogSelector + " .explink").html(" "); } else { $(dialogSelector + " .explink").show(); } $(dialogSelector + " .moreInfo").click(function() { self._callerObj._showPopupWindow(url); }); } }; Application.geneChart = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; Application.geneChart.prototype = { _containerId : null, _options : null, _workId : null, _fileName : null, _subject : null, _property : null, _highChartContainerId : null, _appProperty : null, _appName : null, _dataCollection : null, _chartBottomTitle : null, _geneLocus : null, _default : { filterNamespace : "", acceptPropLabelPrefix : "label:", yAxisLabel : "Gene Expression Level", loadingImage : "", loadingText : "Loading Chart....", loadingMessageClass : "loadChartMessage", loadingChartContainerClass : "loadingChart", bottomLabelClass : 'bottomChartTitle' }, _init : function(containerId, options) { this._containerId = containerId; this._options = $.extend({}, this._default, options); this._workId = this._options.workId; this._fileName = this._options.fileName; this._subject = this._options.subject; this._property =; var date = new Date(); this._highChartContainerId = "gene_chart_" + date.getTime(); this._initAppProperty(this._options); this._initView(); this._drawHighChart(this._subject, this._property); this._appName = this._options.appName; this._dataCollection = this._options.dataCollection; this._geneLocus = this._options.geneLocus; this._chartBottomTitle = "<div class='"+ this._default.bottomLabelClass +"'>Plot of gene expression levels for Gene " + this._geneLocus + " in the Collection " + this._dataCollection + ", found by "+ this._appName +". When replicate data is available, the upper and lower value will display as bars surrounding the data point.</div>" }, _initAppProperty : function(opts) { var obj = { workId : opts.workId, fileName : opts.fileName }; this._appProperty = new Application.motifProperty(obj); }, _initView : function() { var self = this; var sb = []; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='"+ this._default.loadingChartContainerClass +"' id='" + self._highChartContainerId + "'>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div class='"+ this._default.loadingMessageClass +"'>"+ this._default.loadingText +"</div>"; sb[sb.length] = "<div><img src='"+ this._default.loadingImage +"' /></div>"; sb[sb.length] = "</div>"; $("#" + self._containerId).html(sb.join("")); }, _ignore : function(label) { var self = this; if (label.indexOf(self._default.acceptPropLabelPrefix) > -1) { return false; } return true; }, _getDisplayLabel : function(value) { var self = this; var propLabel = value; var arr = value.split(self._default.acceptPropLabelPrefix); if (arr.length > 1) { propLabel = decodeURIComponent(arr[1]); } return propLabel; }, _drawHighChart : function(subject, highlightProperty) { var self = this; var getDataArray = function(tripleList) { var dataArray = []; var dataObject = {}; var duplicateProperty = []; var equalIndex = 0; var madianArr = []; var errorArr = []; var valArr = []; var highLightColumnFound = false; // adding dummy object to the triple list. otherwise logic does not pick up the last values in 'valArr' var obj = { subject : 'subject', property : 'label:property', object : 'name' }; tripleList.push(obj); $.each (tripleList, function(tKey, tValue) { var property =; if (property.indexOf(self._options.filterNamespace) == -1 && property != "label:property") { return; } var label = self._getLabelAfterHash(property); if (!self._ignore(label)) { var val = parseFloat(tValue.object); var hLabel = self._getLabelAfterHash(highlightProperty); var propLabel = self._getLabelAfterHash(property); if (hLabel == propLabel) { highLightColumnFound = true; equalIndex++; } if ($.inArray(property, duplicateProperty) == -1 && duplicateProperty.length > 0) { var ele = self._getMadianCoordinate(valArr); if (ele != "") { if (highLightColumnFound && equalIndex > 1) { ele = self._getHighLightColumn(parseFloat(ele)); highLightColumnFound = false; equalIndex = 0; } madianArr.push(ele); } var arr = self._getErrorCoordinates(valArr); if (arr.length == 2) { errorArr.push([arr[0],arr[1]]); } valArr = []; valArr.push(val); } else { valArr.push(val); } duplicateProperty.push(property); } }); dataArray.push(self._getMadianGraphObj(madianArr,subject)); dataArray.push(self._getErrorGraphObj(errorArr)); self._getXCategory(tripleList, dataArray, highlightProperty); } LinkData.getTriplesBySubject(self._workId, self._fileName, subject, getDataArray); }, _getXCategory : function(tripleList, dataArray, highlightProperty) { var self = this; var array = []; var duplicateProperty = []; var hLabel = self._getLabelAfterHash(highlightProperty); var selectedProp = ""; $.each (tripleList, function(tKey, tValue) { var property =; if (property.indexOf(self._options.filterNamespace) == -1) { return; } if ($.inArray(property, duplicateProperty) > -1) { return; } var label = self._getLabelAfterHash(property); if (!self._ignore(label)) { var displayLabel = self._getDisplayLabel(label); var hDisplayLabel = self._getDisplayLabel(hLabel); if (displayLabel === hDisplayLabel) { //displayLabel = "<span style=\"color:#FB3B44\">" + hDisplayLabel + "</span>"; selectedProp = displayLabel; } array.push(displayLabel); duplicateProperty.push(property); } }); self._drawChart(self._highChartContainerId, dataArray, array, selectedProp); }, _getMadianCoordinate : function(unsortedArray) { var sortedArr = this._getSortedArray(unsortedArray); var ele = ""; if (sortedArr.length == 3) { ele = sortedArr[1]; } else if (sortedArr.length > 0) { ele = sortedArr[0] } else { //alert("Plot value can only containes 3 values"); console.debug("error"); } return ele; }, _getErrorCoordinates : function(unsortedArray) { var sortedArr = this._getSortedArray(unsortedArray); var errorVals = []; if (this._isAllCoordinatesAreSame(sortedArr)) { return errorVals; } if (sortedArr.length == 3) { errorVals.push(sortedArr[0]); errorVals.push(sortedArr[2]); } else { //alert("Plot value can only containes 3 values"); console.debug("error"); } return errorVals; }, _isAllCoordinatesAreSame : function(arr) { if (arr.length == 1 || arr.length == 0) { return true; } for (var i = 0 ; i < arr.length ; i++){ if (i > 0 && arr[i] != arr[i-1]) { return false; } } return true; }, _getMadianGraphObj : function(values, subject) { var dataObject = {}; var toolTip = {}; toolTip.pointFormat = '<span style="font-weight: bold;">{} [ {point.y} ]</span>'; = this._getLabel(subject); = values; //dataObject.type = 'spline'; dataObject.tooltip = toolTip; return dataObject; }, _getErrorGraphObj : function(values) { var dataObject = {}; var toolTip = {}; toolTip.pointFormat = '<br/><span style="color:#287A4B">(Replicate data points: from {point.low} to {point.high})</span><br/>'; = "errors"; = values; dataObject.type = 'errorbar'; dataObject.tooltip = toolTip; dataObject.stemColor = 'none'; dataObject.whiskerLength = 150; return dataObject; }, _getSortedArray : function(values) { var allMinus = false; values = this._getRequiredTriplicateValues(values); for (var index=0 ; index < values.length ; index++) { if (values[index] < 0) { allMinus = true; } else { allMinus = false; break; } } if (allMinus) { values.sort(function(a,b) { return b-a; }); } else { values.sort(function(a,b) { return a-b; }); } return values; }, _getRequiredTriplicateValues : function(unsortedVals) { var vals = []; if (unsortedVals.length > 3) { for (var i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { vals[i] = unsortedVals[i]; } } else { return unsortedVals; } return vals; }, _getHighLightColumn : function(val) { var obj = {}; obj.y = val; obj.marker = { lineWidth: 3, lineColor: "#FB3B44", fillColor: "#FB3B78" }; return obj; }, _drawChart : function(containerId, dataArray, xCategory, selectedProp) { var self = this; var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: containerId, type: 'line', marginRight: 65, //130 marginBottom: 70, //125 zoomType: 'xy', reflow: false, events: { load: function(event) { $("#" + containerId).append(self._chartBottomTitle); } } }, title: { text: self._options.originalFileName }, xAxis: { categories: xCategory, labels : { rotation: 315, formatter: function () { if (selectedProp === this.value) { return '<span style="fill: red;">' + this.value + '</span>'; } else { return this.value; } } } }, yAxis: { title: { text: self._default.yAxisLabel } }, /*tooltip: { formatter: function() { return '<b>'+ + '</b><br/>' + this.x + ' [' + this.y + ']'; } },*/ tooltip: { shared: true }, legend: { enabled: false /*layout: 'vertical', align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'top', x: -10, y: 100, borderWidth: 0*/ }, series: dataArray }); self._scrollDown(); }, _scrollDown : function() { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, 1000); }, _getLabel : function(value) { var self = this, label; if (value.indexOf("#") > -1) { label = self._getLabelAfterHash(value); } else { label = self._appProperty.getGeneBySubject(value); } if (!label) { label = value; } return label; }, _getPropertyLabel : function(value) { var propLabel = value; var arr = value.split("#"); if (arr.length > 1) { propLabel = decodeURIComponent(arr[1]); propLabel = this._appProperty.getPropertyNameByLabel(propLabel); } return propLabel; }, _getLabelAfterHash : function(value) { var propLabel = value; var arr = value.split("#"); if (arr.length > 1) { propLabel = decodeURIComponent(arr[1]); } return propLabel; } }; Application.motifProperty = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; Application.motifProperty.prototype = { _options : null, _propMap : null, _nameMap : null, _optionArray : null, _default : { acceptPropLabelPrefix : "label:", subjectATTEDUriPhrase : "", subjectPPDBUriPhrase : "", subjectTAIRUriPhrase : "", atted : "ATTED", ppdb : "PPDB" }, _init : function(options) { this._options = $.extend({}, this._default, options); this._propMap = []; this._nameMap = []; this._initPropMap(this._options); }, _initPropMap : function(opts) { var self = this, workId = opts.workId, fileName = opts.fileName; var method = function(properties) { self._fillPropMap(self, properties); self._initOptionArray(properties); } LinkData.getProperties(workId, fileName, method); }, _fillPropMap : function(self, properties) { $.each(properties, function(key, value) { var label = self._getLabel(value); if (!self._propMap[label]) { self._propMap[label] = value; } }); }, _initOptionArray : function(propertyList) { var self = this, list = new Object(); var workId = self._options.workId, fileName = self._options.fileName; self._optionArray = []; $.each(propertyList, function(key, value) { var propLabel = self._getLabel(value); if (!self._ignore(propLabel)) { var obj = {}; obj.key = propLabel; obj.value = self._getDisplayLabel(propLabel); self._optionArray.push(obj); } }); }, _ignore : function(label) { var self = this; if (label.indexOf(self._default.acceptPropLabelPrefix) > -1) { return false; } return true; }, _getDisplayLabel : function(value) { var self = this; var propLabel = value; var arr = value.split(self._default.acceptPropLabelPrefix); if (arr.length > 1) { propLabel = decodeURIComponent(arr[1]); } return propLabel; }, _getLabel : function(value) { var propLabel = value; var arr = value.split("#"); if (arr.length > 1) { propLabel = decodeURIComponent(arr[1]); } return propLabel; }, getOptionArray : function() { return this._optionArray; }, getPropertyByLabel : function(label) { return this._propMap[label]; }, getGeneBySubject : function(subject) { var self = this, htmlExt = ".html", geneLabel; if (subject.indexOf(self._default.subjectATTEDUriPhrase) > -1) { geneLabel = subject.replace(self._default.subjectATTEDUriPhrase, ""); } else if (subject.indexOf(self._default.subjectPPDBUriPhrase) > -1) { geneLabel = subject.replace(self._default.subjectPPDBUriPhrase, ""); } else if (subject.indexOf(self._default.subjectTAIRUriPhrase) > -1) { geneLabel = subject.replace(self._default.subjectTAIRUriPhrase, ""); } if (geneLabel && geneLabel.indexOf(htmlExt) > -1) { geneLabel = geneLabel.replace(htmlExt, ""); } return geneLabel; }, getSubjectUrl : function(analysisMethod, subjectPartWithoutUrl) { // sample format 'ATTED:At1g79040.html' var subjectUrl = ""; subjectPartWithoutUrl = subjectPartWithoutUrl.replace(this._default.atted,""); subjectPartWithoutUrl = subjectPartWithoutUrl.replace(this._default.ppdb,""); subjectPartWithoutUrl = subjectPartWithoutUrl.replace(":",""); subjectPartWithoutUrl = subjectPartWithoutUrl.trim(); if (analysisMethod.trim().toLowerCase() == this._default.atted.trim().toLowerCase()) { subjectUrl = this._default.subjectATTEDUriPhrase + subjectPartWithoutUrl; } else if (analysisMethod.trim().toLowerCase() == this._default.ppdb.trim().toLowerCase()) { subjectUrl = this._default.subjectPPDBUriPhrase + subjectPartWithoutUrl; } return subjectUrl; } }; Application.sequence = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; Application.sequence.prototype = { CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY : "-", _options : null, _workId : null, _fileName : null, _seqProperty : null, _posProperty : null, _baseSequence : null, _sequenceList : null, _positionList : null, _containerId : null, _errorContainerClass : null, _outOfRangeArray : null, _default : { msgInvalidSequence: "invalid sequence.", msgOutOfRangeSequence: "Some motifs fall outside the Promoter Design region of -50 to -550 base pairs : {0}" }, _init : function(options) { this._options = options; this._workId = this._options.workId; this._fileName = this._options.fileName; this._seqProperty = this._options.motifSequenceProperty; this._posProperty = this._options.motifPositionProperty; this._baseSequence = this._options.baseSequence; this._containerId = this._options.containerId; this._errorContainerClass = this._options.errorMessageClass; }, _getCustomSequenceHtml : function(baseSequence, sequence, position) { var seqLen = sequence.length; var tHold = Math.floor(seqLen / 2); var pos = parseInt(position); var baseSeqLen = baseSequence.length; var suffixLen = baseSeqLen - (tHold + pos); var motifCorectedStartingPoint = position - (seqLen / 2); var sb = []; if (motifCorectedStartingPoint >= this._options.baseSequenceMinLength && suffixLen >= 0) { for (var i = 0; i < suffixLen; i++) { sb.push(this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY); } sb.push("<a href='javascript:void(0)' class='motifSequence'>" + sequence + "</a>"); sb.push("<input type='hidden' class='hdnSequence' value='" + sequence + "'/>"); sb.push("<input type='hidden' class='hdnPosition' value='" + pos + "'/>"); sb.push("<input type='hidden' class='hdnCorPosition' value='-" + position + "'/>"); } else { //_showError($appContainer, opts.msgOutOfRangeSequence.replace("{0}", sequence)); this._outOfRangeArray.push(sequence + "[-" + position + "]"); this._showError(this._default.msgOutOfRangeSequence.replace("{0}", this._outOfRangeArray.join(", "))); } return sb.join(""); }, _isValidSequenceList : function(seqs) { var count = seqs.length; var maxlength = 0; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (seqs[i].length > maxlength) { maxlength = seqs[i].length; } } var result = true; for (var i = 0; i < maxlength; i++) { var chars = []; for (var j = 0; j < count; j++) { chars.push(seqs[j].charAt(i)); } if (! this._isValidChars(chars.join(""))) { result = false; break; } } return result; }, _isValidBaseReplacementMotif : function(baseSequence, seqs) { var self = this; var mergeSequence = this._getMergeCharSequence(seqs); var length = baseSequence.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var bChar = baseSequence.charAt(i); var mChar = mergeSequence.charAt(i); if (mChar !== this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY && bChar !== this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY && mChar !== bChar) { return false; } } return true; }, _isValidChars : function(charString) { var charLen = charString.length; var result = true; var first = null; for (var i = 0; i < charLen; i++) { if (charString.charAt(i) == this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { continue; } if (! first) { first = charString.charAt(i); } var current = charString.charAt(i); if (current && first != current) { result = false; break; } } return result; }, _getReplacedCustomSequence : function(seqs) { var mergeSequence = this._getMergeCharSequence(seqs); var maxlength = this._baseSequence.length; var sb = []; for (var i = 0; i < maxlength; i++) { var bChar = this._baseSequence.charAt(i); var mChar = mergeSequence.charAt(i); if (mChar !== this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { // replaced sb.push(mChar); } else { sb.push(bChar); } } return sb.join(""); }, _getMergeCharSequence : function(seqs) { var count = seqs.length; var maxlength = this._baseSequence.length; var sb = []; for (var i = 0; i < maxlength; i++) { var chars = []; for (var j = 0; j < count; j++) { chars.push(seqs[j].charAt(i) ? seqs[j].charAt(i) : this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY); } sb.push(this._getMergeChar(chars.join(""))); } return sb.join(""); }, _getMergeChar : function(charString) { var charLen = charString.length; var result = null; for (var i = 0; i < charLen; i++) { if (charString.charAt(i) !== this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { result = charString.charAt(i); break; } } if (!result) { result = this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY; } return result; }, _wrappedReplacedSequenceHtml : function(replaceSequence, seqs) { var self = this, sb = []; var mergeSequence = this._getMergeCharSequence(seqs); var length = this._baseSequence.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var bChar = this._baseSequence.charAt(i); var rChar = replaceSequence.charAt(i); var mChar = mergeSequence.charAt(i); var seqChar = (bChar !== rChar) ? "<span class='replace'>" + rChar + "</span>" : rChar; if (mChar !== this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { sb.push("<span class='highlight-sequence'>" + seqChar + "</span>"); } else { sb.push(seqChar); } } return sb.join(""); }, _getSequenceAndPositionHiddenHtml : function(seqArray, posArray) { var self = this, sb = []; if (!seqArray || !posArray) { return sb.join(""); } for (var i = 0; i < seqArray.length; i++) { sb[sb.length] = "<input type='hidden' class='hdnReplacedMotif' value='" + seqArray[i] + "|" + posArray[i] + "'/>"; } return sb.join(""); }, _showError : function(message) { $errorMessageContainer = $("#" + this._containerId + " ." + this._errorContainerClass); $errorMessageContainer.html(message); $; }, getHtmlByReplacingOldSequence : function(oldSequence, newSequence) { var self = this, sb = []; for (var i = 0; i < oldSequence.length; i++) { var oChar = oldSequence.charAt(i); var nChar = newSequence.charAt(i); var seqChar = (oChar !== nChar) ? "<span class='replace'>" + oChar + "</span>" : oChar; if (nChar !== self.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { if (oChar !== self.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { sb.push("<span class='highlight-sequence'>" + seqChar + "</span>"); } else { sb.push(nChar); } } else { sb.push(oChar); } } return sb.join(""); }, getHtmlByReplacingNewSequence : function(oldSequence, newSequence) { var self = this, sb = []; for (var i = 0; i < oldSequence.length; i++) { var oChar = oldSequence.charAt(i); var nChar = newSequence.charAt(i); var seqChar = (oChar !== nChar) ? "<span class='replace'>" + nChar + "</span>" : nChar; if (nChar !== self.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { sb.push("<span class='highlight-sequence'>" + seqChar + "</span>"); } else { sb.push(oChar); } } return sb.join(""); }, getSequenceHtml : function(subject, drawSequence) { var self = this; self._outOfRangeArray = []; var sb = [], baseSequence = self._baseSequence; var getTriplesBySequenceProperty = function(sequenceList) { self._getTriplesBySequenceProperty(subject, drawSequence, sequenceList); } LinkData.getObjects(self._workId, self._fileName, subject, self._seqProperty, getTriplesBySequenceProperty); }, _getTriplesBySequenceProperty : function(subject, drawSequence, sequenceList) { var self = this; var getTriplesByPositionProperty = function(positionList) { self._drawSequenceList(drawSequence, sequenceList, positionList); } LinkData.getObjects(self._workId, self._fileName, subject, self._posProperty, getTriplesByPositionProperty); }, _drawSequenceList : function(drawSequence, sequenceList, positionList) { var self = this, sb = []; if (!sequenceList || sequenceList.length == 0) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < sequenceList.length; i++) { var customSeqString = self._getCustomSequenceHtml(self._baseSequence, sequenceList[i], positionList[i]); if (customSeqString.length > 0) { sb.push("<div>"); sb.push("<div class='userSequence'>" + customSeqString + "</div>"); //sb.push(" <span class='deletelink "+ sequenceList[i] +"' onclick='self._deleteUserSequence("+ """ + sequenceList[i] + """ +","+ """ + self._containerId + """ +");'>"); sb.push(" <span class='deletelink "+ sequenceList[i] +"'>"); sb.push("<img src='' title='Delete' /></span>"); //sb.push("<div> </div>"); sb.push("</div>"); } } sb.push("<div> </div>"); drawSequence(sb.join("\n")); self._attachDeleteEvent(); }, _attachDeleteEvent : function () { var self = this; var timer = new Application.timer(); var attachEvent = function() { var length = $("#" + self._containerId + " .deletelink").length; if (length > 0) { $("#" + self._containerId + " .deletelink").unbind("click"); $("#" + self._containerId + " .deletelink").click(function() { var parent = $(this).parent(); $(parent).remove(); }); } else {; } } attachEvent(); }, getFormattedSequence : function(baseSeqLen, seq, pos) { var self = this, sb = []; var seqLen = seq.length; var tHold = Math.floor(seqLen / 2); var pos = parseInt(pos); var len = baseSeqLen - (tHold + pos); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { sb[sb.length] = self.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY; } sb[sb.length] = seq; return sb.join(""); }, replace : function(seqs, seqArray, posArray) { var self = this, isValid = self._isValidSequenceList(seqs); if (isValid) { if (seqs.length > 0) { var sb = []; var replaceSeq = self._getReplacedCustomSequence(seqs); sb[sb.length] = self._wrappedReplacedSequenceHtml(replaceSeq, seqs); sb[sb.length] = self._getSequenceAndPositionHiddenHtml(seqArray, posArray); return sb.join(""); } } else { this._showError(self._default.msgInvalidSequence); } }, replaceWith : function(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs) { var main = [], seqArray = [], posArray = []; var seqLen = seq.length; var tHold = Math.floor(seqLen / 2); var pos = parseInt(pos); var baseSeqLen = this._baseSequence.length; var len = baseSeqLen - (tHold + pos); seqArray.push(seq); posArray.push(pos); for (var j = 0; j < extraCopies + 1; j++) { var array = []; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { array.push(this.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY); } array.push(seq); main.push(array.join("")); len = len - seqLen - basePairs; if (len < 0) { break; } } //return this.replace(main, seqArray, posArray); return main; }, getReColoredMotifViewSequnce : function(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs, replaceDivClass) { var self = this; var sb = []; var seqs = self.replaceWith(seq, pos, extraCopies, basePairs); var replaceSeq = self._getReplacedCustomSequence(seqs); var existingSequence = $("#" + self._containerId + " ." + replaceDivClass).text(); var repSeqLen = replaceSeq.length; for (var index = 0 ; index < repSeqLen ; index++) { var oChar = existingSequence.charAt(index); var nChar = replaceSeq.charAt(index); //var seqChar = (oChar !== nChar) ? "<span class='replace'>" + nChar + "</span>" : nChar; if (index < (repSeqLen - 50)) { if (nChar == oChar && nChar !== self.CHAR_SEQ_EMPTY) { sb.push("<span class='highlight-sequence replace'>" + nChar + "</span>"); } else { sb.push(oChar); } } else { sb.push(oChar); } } //self._doReplaceWithHtml(sb.join("")); return sb.join(""); }, hideError : function() { $errorMessageContainer = $("#" + this._containerId + " ." + this._errorContainerClass).hide(); } }; Application.heptamer = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; Application.heptamer.prototype = { _heptamerMap : null, _motifSequenceProperty : null, _appropriatePositionProperty : null, _default : { heptamerTag : "heptamer", filterSequencePropertyPhrase : "motif_sequence", filterMaxCEGPropertyPhrase : "maxCEG", //filterAppropriatePosition : "Appropriateposition(%C2%B1%2040%20bp)" filterAppropriatePosition : "Appropriateposition%28%C2%B1%2040%20bp%29" }, _init : function() { this._heptamerMap = []; this._initHeptamerList(); }, _initHeptamerList : function() { var self = this; var getFilesByTag = function(result) { $.each(result, function(workId, fileList) { $.each(fileList, function(fileKey, fileName) { self._initHeptamer(workId, fileName); return false; }); }); } LinkData.getFilesByTag(null, self._default.heptamerTag, getFilesByTag); }, _initHeptamer : function(workId, fileName) { var self = this; var getPropertyList = function(propertyList) { self._initProperty(propertyList); self._getSequenceTriple(workId, fileName); } LinkData.getProperties(workId, fileName, getPropertyList); }, _initProperty : function(propertyList) { var self = this; $.each(propertyList, function(propKey, propValue) { if (propValue.indexOf(self._default.filterSequencePropertyPhrase) > -1) { self._motifSequenceProperty = propValue; } else if (propValue.indexOf(self._default.filterAppropriatePosition) > -1) { self._appropriatePositionProperty = propValue; } }); }, _getSequenceTriple : function(workId, fileName) { var self = this; var getSequenceTripleList = function(sequenceTripleList) { self._fillHeptamerMap(workId, fileName, sequenceTripleList); } LinkData.getTriplesByProperty(workId, fileName, self._motifSequenceProperty, getSequenceTripleList); }, _fillHeptamerMap : function(workId, fileName, sequenceTripleList) { var self = this; var getPositionTripleList = function(positionTripleList) { for (var i = 0; i < sequenceTripleList.length; i++) { var seqTriple = sequenceTripleList[i]; var posTriple = positionTripleList[i]; var seqEl = new Application.seqElement(); seqEl.setExternalUrl(seqTriple.subject); seqEl.setSequence(seqTriple.object); seqEl.setAppropriatePos(posTriple.object); self._heptamerMap[seqTriple.object] = seqEl; } } LinkData.getTriplesByProperty(workId, fileName, self._appropriatePositionProperty, getPositionTripleList); }, getBySequence : function(sequence) { return this._heptamerMap[sequence]; } }; Application.octamer = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } Application.octamer.prototype = { _octamerMap : null, _motifSequenceProperty : null, _appropriatePositionProperty : null, _default : { octamerTag : "octamer", filterSequencePropertyPhrase : "sequence", filterAppropriatePosition : "Appropriate%20position" }, _init : function() { this._octamerMap = []; this._initOctamerList(); }, _initOctamerList : function() { var self = this; var getFilesByTag = function(result) { $.each(result, function(workId, fileList) { $.each(fileList, function(fileKey, fileName) { self._initOctamer(workId, fileName); return false; }); }); } LinkData.getFilesByTag(null, self._default.octamerTag, getFilesByTag); }, _initOctamer : function(workId, fileName) { var self = this; var getProperties = function(propertyList) { self._initProperty(propertyList); self._getSequenceTriple(workId, fileName); } LinkData.getProperties(workId, fileName, getProperties); }, _initProperty : function(propertyList) { var self = this; $.each(propertyList, function(propKey, propValue) { if (propValue.indexOf(self._default.filterSequencePropertyPhrase) > -1) { self._motifSequenceProperty = propValue; } else if (propValue.indexOf(self._default.filterAppropriatePosition) > -1) { self._appropriatePositionProperty = propValue; } }); }, _getSequenceTriple : function(workId, fileName) { var self = this; var getSequenceTripleList = function(sequenceTripleList) { self._fillOctamerMap(workId, fileName, sequenceTripleList); } LinkData.getTriplesByProperty(workId, fileName, self._motifSequenceProperty, getSequenceTripleList); }, _fillOctamerMap : function(workId, fileName, sequenceTripleList) { var self = this; var getPositionTripleList = function(positionTripleList) { for (var i = 0; i < sequenceTripleList.length; i++) { var j = Math.floor(i / 2); var seqTriple = sequenceTripleList[i]; var posTriple = positionTripleList[j]; var seqEl = new Application.seqElement(); seqEl.setExternalUrl(seqTriple.subject); seqEl.setSequence(seqTriple.object); seqEl.setAppropriatePos(posTriple.object); self._octamerMap[seqTriple.object] = seqEl; } } LinkData.getTriplesByProperty(workId, fileName, self._appropriatePositionProperty, getPositionTripleList); }, getBySequence : function(sequence) { return this._octamerMap[sequence]; } }; Application.seqElement = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; Application.seqElement.prototype = { _externalUrl : null, _sequence : null, _appropriatePos : null, _init : function() {}, getExternalUrl : function() { return this._externalUrl; }, setExternalUrl : function(externalUrl) { this._externalUrl = externalUrl; }, getSequence : function() { return this._sequence; }, setSequence : function(sequence) { this._sequence = sequence; }, getAppropriatePos : function() { return this._appropriatePos; }, setAppropriatePos : function(appropriatePos) { this._appropriatePos = appropriatePos; } }; Application.timer = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; Application.timer.prototype = { _delay : null, _retry : null, _maxRetry : null, _init : function() { this._delay = 1000; this._retry = 0; this._maxRetry = 1000; }, call : function(func) { if (this._retry < this._maxRetry) { setTimeout(func, this._delay); } this._retry++; }, setMaxRetryCount : function(no) { this._maxRetry = no; } }; Application.index = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } Application.index.prototype = { _start : null, _end : null, _init : function(start, end) { this._start = start; this._end = end; }, getIndex : function() { return {start : this._start, end : this._end}; }, getItemCount : function() { return (this._end - this._start + 1); }, increment : function() { var itemCount = this.getItemCount(); this._start = this._start + itemCount; this._end = this._end + itemCount; return {start : this._start, end : this._end}; }, getStartIndex : function() { return this._start; }, getEndIndex : function() { return this._end; } }; Application.tooltip = function() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; Application.tooltip.prototype = { _toolTipList : null, _default : { explanationProperty : "explanation" }, _init : function() { this._toolTipList = []; this._initToolTip(); }, _initToolTip : function() { var self = this; var getFilesByTag = function(resultList) { $.each(resultList, function(workId, fileList) { $.each(fileList, function(fileKey, fileName) { self._getFilePropertyList(workId, fileName); return false; }); }); } LinkData.getFilesByTag(null, "tooltip", getFilesByTag); }, _getFilePropertyList : function(workId, fileName) { var self = this; var index = new Application.index(1, 10000); var getProperties = function(propertyList) { $.each(propertyList, function(pKey, pValue) { if (pValue.indexOf(self._default.explanationProperty) > -1) { self._getSubjectList(workId, fileName, pValue, index); return false; } }); } LinkData.getProperties(workId, fileName, getProperties); }, _getSubjectList : function(workId, fileName, property, index) { var self = this; var getSubjects = function(subjectList) { self._getPropertyList(subjectList, workId, fileName, property, index); } LinkData.getSubjects(workId, fileName, getSubjects, index); }, _getPropertyList : function(subjectList, workId, fileName, property, index) { var self = this; var getTriplesByProperty = function(tripleList) { self._addToolTipToList(subjectList, tripleList, workId, fileName, property, index); } LinkData.getTriplesByProperty(workId, fileName, property, getTriplesByProperty, index); }, _addToolTipToList : function(subjectList, tripleList, workId, fileName, property, index) { var self = this; for (var i = 0; i < subjectList.length; i++) { var key = self._getLabelAfterHash(subjectList[i]); if (tripleList[i]) { var value = tripleList[i].object; self._addToolTip(key, value); } //var value = tripleList[i].object; //self._addToolTip(key, value); } if (subjectList && subjectList.length == index.getItemCount()) { self._getSubjectList(workId, fileName, property, index.increment()); } }, _addToolTip : function(key, tooltip) { var obj = {}; obj.key = key; obj.tooltip = tooltip; this._toolTipList.push(obj); }, getByKey : function(key) { var self = this, tooltip; $.each(self._toolTipList, function(objKey, obj) { if (obj.key.toString().toLowerCase() === key.toString().toLowerCase()) { tooltip = obj.tooltip; return false; } }); return (tooltip) ? tooltip : ""; }, _getLabelAfterHash : function(value) { var propLabel = value; var arr = value.split("#"); if (arr.length > 1) { propLabel = decodeURIComponent(arr[1]); } return propLabel; } }; Application.externalLink = function(toolName) { this._init.apply(this, arguments); }; Application.externalLink.prototype = { _externalLinksTriples : [], _toolName : null, _default : { externalLinkTag : "external_links" }, _props : { toolList : "tool%20list", category : "category", url : "url", geneCase : "gene%20case", upperCase : "U", lowerCase : "L" }, _init : function(toolName) { this._toolName = toolName; this._loadExtrnalLinksFile(); }, // reading the whole external links file as triple objects _loadExtrnalLinksFile : function() { var self = this; var findExtarnlLinkFile = function(resultList) { $.each(resultList, function(wId, fileList) { $.each(fileList, function(fileKey, fName) { self._loadFileTriples(wId,fName); }); }); }; LinkData.getFilesByTag(null, this._default.externalLinkTag, findExtarnlLinkFile); }, _loadFileTriples : function(workId,fileName) { var self = this; var loadTriples = function(results) { self._externalLinksTriples = results; self._filterTriplesByToolName(results); }; LinkData.getTriples(workId,fileName,loadTriples,{start:1, end:100}); }, _filterTriplesByToolName : function(linkTriples) { var filtredList = []; for (var index = 0 ; index < linkTriples.length ; index++) { var triple = linkTriples[index]; var prop = this._getProperty(; if (prop == this._props.toolList) { var toolNames = triple.object.split(","); for (var i = 0 ; i < toolNames.length ; i++) { var toolName = toolNames[i].trim(); if (toolName.toLowerCase() == this._toolName.toLowerCase()) { var triplesBySubject = this._getTriplesBySubject(triple.subject); for (var j = 0 ; j < triplesBySubject.length ; j++) { var otherTriple = triplesBySubject[j]; filtredList.push(otherTriple); } break; } } } } this._externalLinksTriples = filtredList; }, _getDistinctCategories : function() { var distinctCategoryNames = this._getDistinctStringList(this._props.category,this._externalLinksTriples); return distinctCategoryNames; }, _getExternalLinksForCategory : function(categoryName) { var extLinks = []; var geneCase,url; var triplesByPropVal = this._getTriplesByPropertyValue(this._props.category,categoryName); for (var index = 0 ; index < triplesByPropVal.length ; index++) { var triple = triplesByPropVal[index]; var subject = triple.subject; var triples = this._getTriplesBySubject(subject); for (var i = 0 ; i < triples.length ; i++) { var linkTriple = triples[i]; var prop = this._getProperty(; if (prop.toLowerCase() == this._props.geneCase) { geneCase = linkTriple.object; } else if (prop.toLowerCase() == this._props.url) { url = linkTriple.object; } if (url && geneCase) { var linkName = linkTriple.subject.split("#")[1]; var obj = { linkName : linkName, geneCase : geneCase, url : url } extLinks.push(obj); url = null; geneCase = null; break; } } } return extLinks; }, _getTriplesBySubject : function(subject) { var filteredList = []; var currentList = this._externalLinksTriples; for (var index = 0 ; index < currentList.length ; index++) { var triple = currentList[index]; var triSubject = triple.subject; if (triSubject.trim() == subject.trim()) { filteredList.push(triple); } } return filteredList; }, _getProperty : function(propertyUrl) { var comps = propertyUrl.split("#"); return comps[comps.length-1]; }, _getTriplesByPropertyValue : function(propName,value) { /* this function first will find the triple with the passed property and then this will take the subject of it and will find other properties of that subject */ var filteredList = []; for (var index = 0 ; index < this._externalLinksTriples.length ; index++) { var triple = this._externalLinksTriples[index]; var prop = this._getProperty(; if (prop.toLowerCase() == propName.toLowerCase()) { var propVal = triple.object; if (propVal.trim() == value.trim()) { filteredList.push(triple); //break; } } } return filteredList; }, // returns a string array _getDistinctStringList : function(propName,tripleList) { var distinctList = []; for (var index = 0 ; index < tripleList.length ; index++) { var triple = tripleList[index]; var prop = this._getProperty(; if (prop && prop.toLowerCase() == propName.toLowerCase()) { var objVal = triple.object; if (distinctList.indexOf(objVal) == -1) { distinctList.push(objVal); } } } return distinctList; }, }; Application.DbHandler = function() { this._init.apply(this,arguments); } Application.DbHandler.prototype = { _fullList : [], _properties : { motifAnalysisMethod : "motif%20analysis%20method", geneExpressionData : "gene%20expression%20data", menuDisplayName : "menu%20display%20name", toolsList : "tool%20list", workIdInTest : "", workIdPublic : "", ranklistWorkIdTest : "", ranklistWorkIdPublic : "" }, _tags : { menuDataSourceTag : "menu" }, _defaults : { linkdataTestUrl : "", linkdataPublicUrl : "", }, _init : function(args) { this._initMenuDataSource(); }, _fillFileProperties : function() { var self = this; var setProperties = function(props) { self._fileProperties = props; }; LinkData.getProperties(this._workId,this._fileName,setProperties); }, _initMenuDataSource : function() { var self = this; var foundMenuFiles = []; var loadMenuFiles = function(resultList) { $.each(resultList, function(wId, fileList) { $.each(fileList, function(fileKey, fName) { var obj = { workId : wId, fileName : fName }; foundMenuFiles.push(obj); }); }); self._foundMenuFiles = foundMenuFiles; self._loadMenuFileContent(foundMenuFiles); self._fillFileProperties(); }; LinkData.getFilesByTag(null, this._tags.menuDataSourceTag, loadMenuFiles); }, _loadMenuFileContent : function(menuFiles) { var self = this; var addFileContent = function(triples) { self._fullList = triples; }; if (menuFiles.length > 1) { alert("There can be only one file that can be tagged with 'menu'"); return; } if (menuFiles.length == 0) { return; } var obj = menuFiles.shift(); // removing the first element this._fileName = obj.fileName; this._workId = obj.workId; LinkData.getTriples(this._workId,this._fileName,addFileContent,{start:1, end:2000}); }, _getDataCollectionNameByDbName : function(dbName) { var dataCollection = null; if (!(this._fullList)) return null; for (var index = 0 ; index < this._fullList.length ; index++) { var triple = this._fullList[index]; var dbOnlyPart = triple.subject.split("#")[1]; if (dbOnlyPart.toLowerCase().trim() == dbName.toLowerCase().trim()) { var prop = this._getProperty(; if (prop.trim().toLowerCase() == this._properties.menuDisplayName.toLowerCase()) { dataCollection = triple.object; break; } } } return dataCollection; }, _getDistinctDbNamesByToolName : function(toolName) { var self = this; if (!(toolName)) return self._fullList; if (!(this._fullList)) return null; var listByTool = self._getTriplesByProperty(this._properties.toolsList,self._fullList); if (!listByTool) return null; var dbInfoObjs = []; for (var index = 0 ; index < listByTool.length ; index++) { var triple = listByTool[index]; if (triple.object) { var toolList = triple.object.split(","); for (var index1 = 0 ; index1 < toolList.length ; index1++) { var tool = toolList[index1]; if (tool.trim() == toolName.trim()) { var subject = triple.subject; var otherPropTripleList = self._getTriplesBySubject(subject); var obj = self._getDbInfoObject(otherPropTripleList); dbInfoObjs.push(obj); break; } } } } return dbInfoObjs; }, _getDbInfoObject : function(triplesListForSubject) { var workId, fileName, dataColl = null, analysisMethod = null, rankListId = null; for (var index1 = 0 ; index1 < triplesListForSubject.length ; index1++) { var triple = triplesListForSubject[index1]; var property = this._getProperty(; var workIdProp = this._getWorkIdProperty(); var rankWorkIdProp = this._getRankingWorkIdProperty(); var analysisMethodProp = this._getProperty(; if (property.trim().toLowerCase() == workIdProp.trim().toLowerCase()) { var workIdComps = triple.object.toString().split("/"); workId = workIdComps[workIdComps.length-1]; } if (property.trim().toLowerCase() == this._properties.menuDisplayName.trim().toLowerCase()) { dataColl = triple.object; } if (property.trim().toLowerCase() == this._properties.motifAnalysisMethod.trim().toLowerCase()) { analysisMethod = triple.object; } if (property.trim().toLowerCase() == rankWorkIdProp.trim().toLowerCase()) { var rankListIdComps = triple.object.toString().split("/"); rankListId = rankListIdComps[rankListIdComps.length-1]; } if (workId && dataColl && analysisMethod && rankListId) { fileName = triple.subject.split("#")[1]; break; } } var obj = { fileName : fileName, workId : workId, dataColl : dataColl, analysisMethod : analysisMethod, rankListWorkId : rankListId, }; return obj; }, _getProperty : function(propertyUrl) { var comps = propertyUrl.split("#"); return comps[comps.length-1]; }, _getWorkIdProperty : function() { var hostName = window.location.hostname; if (hostName.indexOf(this._defaults.linkdataTestUrl) != -1) { return this._properties.workIdInTest; } else if (hostName.indexOf(this._defaults.linkdataPublicUrl) != -1) { return this._properties.workIdPublic; } }, _getTriplesByProperty : function(propName,currentList) { var filteredList = []; for (var index = 0 ; index < currentList.length ; index++) { var triple = currentList[index]; var prop = this._getProperty(; if (prop == propName) { filteredList.push(triple); } } return filteredList; }, _getTriplesBySubject : function(subject) { var filteredList = []; for (var index = 0 ; index < this._fullList.length ; index++) { var triple = this._fullList[index]; var triSubject = triple.subject; if (triSubject.trim() == subject.trim()) { filteredList.push(triple); } if (filteredList.length == this._fileProperties.length) { break; } } return filteredList; }, // returns a string array _getDistinctObjectList : function(propName,currentList) { var distinctList = []; for (var index = 0 ; index < currentList.length ; index++) { var triple = currentList[index]; var prop =; if (prop && prop.indexOf(propName) != -1) { var objVal = triple.object; if (distinctList.indexOf(objVal) == -1) { distinctList.push(objVal); } } } return distinctList; }, _getRankingWorkIdProperty : function() { var hostName = window.location.hostname; if (hostName.indexOf(this._defaults.linkdataTestUrl) != -1) { return this._properties.ranklistWorkIdTest; } else if (hostName.indexOf(this._defaults.linkdataPublicUrl) != -1) { return this._properties.ranklistWorkIdPublic; } }, } $(document).ready(function() { var dbHandler = new Application.DbHandler(); var timer = new Application.timer(); var fillDatabase = function(resultList) { var dbNames = dbHandler._getDistinctDbNamesByToolName("MotifCircadian"); if (dbNames && dbNames.length > 0) { $(".motifMaxCircadianDatabase").append("<option value='-1' selected='selected'>-- Select Database --</option>"); for (var index = 0 ; index < dbNames.length ; index++) { var obj = dbNames[index]; $(".motifMaxCircadianDatabase").append("<option value='" + obj.workId + "|" + obj.fileName + "|" + obj.dataColl + "|" + obj.rankListWorkId + "'>" + obj.fileName + "</option>"); } $(".motifMaxCircadianDatabase").change(function() { var dbKey = $("option:selected", $(this)).val(); if (dbKey == -1) { $("#container").html(""); return; } var array = dbKey.split("|"); var containerId = "container"; var options = { workId : array[0], fileName : array[1], rankListWorkId : array[2], baseSequence : "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GATCCCAAGACCCTTCCTCTATATAAGGAAGTTCATTTCATTTGGAGAGG", fixedSequence : "GATCCCAAGACCCTTCCTCTATATAAGGAAGTTCATTTCATTTGGAGAGG", dataColl : array[2] }; new Application.motifMaxCircadian(containerId, options); }); } else {; } } fillDatabase(); //LinkData.getFilesByTag(null, "database", fillDatabase); });
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font: bold 1.1em "Trebuchet MS","Helvetica","Arial","Verdana","sans-serif"; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; margin-top: -6px; margin-bottom: 4px; } .wrappedSequenceMotif { background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; margin: 10px 0 0; font-family: "Courier New","Lucida Console"; overflow: auto; word-wrap: break-word; /*white-space: nowrap;*/ width:100%; height:90px; word-break: break-all; } .motifViewDialog .motifviewinfo { float: right; margin-top: -150px; position: relative; width: 350px; } .motifviewsequence { float: right; height: 40px; overflow: auto; width: 240px; margin-bottom: 5px; } .deletelink { cursor: pointer; } .deletelink img { margin-bottom: -3px; } .bottomChartTitle { color: #0A5DA6; font: bold 12px "Trebuchet MS","Helvetica","Arial","Verdana","sans-serif"; }
<div class="row"> <div class="label left">Select Database</div> <div class="left"><select class="motifMaxCircadianDatabase"></select></div> </div> <div id="container"></div>
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Table Data
Rank Lists of AtGenExpress ATTED
Update:Apr 22, 2013
99 Downloads, 16 Applications
Lists for the expression of AtGenExpress and ATTED-II mashup data table. For each experiment, all genes ranked by expression level. <br><br> <strong>References</strong> (for ATTED-II):<br> <a href=""></a><br> <strong>References</strong> (for AtGenExpress)<br> <a href=""></a> <br> <br> <br> <b> Descriptions for each data table: </b> <table> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_ATTED_all</a> </td> <td> Lists for the AtGenExpress and ATTED-II mashup data table. For each experiment, the all genes ranked by expression level. </td> </tr> </table>
Circadian Coexpression (DIURNAL + ATTED-II promoter motif)
Update:Mar 7, 2013
1881 Downloads, 14 Applications
Circadian Data collected over two days (44 hours) at four hour intervals in various growth conditions. We calculated the Phase of each data by non-linear best fit to a sine wave with a 24 hour period, and similarly calculated the Amplitude. Visually checking the 1000 largest amplitude genes showed a good fit in all cases, though a few genes clearly deviated from sinusoidal behavior. All had a major period of 24 hours. For each gene locus, we added the CEG motifs as calculated by ATTED-II. Gene Loci without expression data or motif data were removed from this database. <br><br> <strong>References</strong> (for ATTED-II):<br> <a href=""></a><br> <strong>References</strong> (for DIURNAL)<br> <a href=""></a> <br> <br> <br> <b> Descriptions for each data table: </b> <table> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_COL_LDHH</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_COL_SD</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_DD_DDHC</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Dark (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h), and subjected to Dark (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_LDHC</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_LDHH_SM</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h), by using the Smith method. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_LDHH_ST</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h), by using the Stitt method. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_LER_SD</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Ler (Landsberg-ereta) strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_LIGHT5_HIF138_13</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis hif138-13 (HETEROGENOUS INBRED FAMILY 138-13) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_LIGHT5_HIF138_8</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis hif138-8 (HETEROGENOUS INBRED FAMILY 138-8) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_LIGHT5_znknOX</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis tsp-ox (hif138-8) (TANDEM ZINCKNUCKLE PROTEIN-ox) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_LL12_LDHH</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (24h), and subjected to Light (24h) by the Kay method. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_LL23_LDHH</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (24h), and subjected to Light (24h) by the Miller method. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_LLHC</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_LL_LDHC</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h), and subjected to Light (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_LL_LLHC</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h), and subjected to Light (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_lhyox_SD</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis lhy (lhy-ox) (LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL) strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_longday</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Ler strain, grown under the circadian condition of long day light, that is, Light (16h) Dark (8h) by using the Kay method. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_lux_2_LDHH</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis lux-2 (LUX ARRHYTHMO-2) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_phyB9_SD</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis phyB9 (PHYTOCHROME B-9) strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_ATTED_shortday</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Ler strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h) by using the Kay method. </td> </tr> </table>
Developmental Genomic (AtGenExpress + PPDB promoter motif) median
Update:May 10, 2013
697 Downloads, 16 Applications
Developmental Microarray Expression Data (AtGenExpress) of plant developmental tissues, combined with LDSS sequence analysis of regulatory (8mer) motif calculations (PPDB). We took the median of triplicate measurements from AtGenExpress, then sorted the developmental series into plant organs (Flower, Leaf, Root, Stem, Fruit & Seeds), with one category for seedlings (8 days old or less) and another for whole plants (older than 8 days). For each motif, we calculated the position relative to the TSS as determined experimentally (PPDB). Gene Loci without expression data or motif data were removed from this database. <br><br> <strong>References</strong> (for PPDB):<br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a> <br> <strong>References</strong> (for AtGenExpress)<br> <a href=""></a> <br> <br> <br> <b> Descriptions for each data table: </b> <table> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_PPDB_Flowering_median</a> </td> <td> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with flowering tissues. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_PPDB_Fruit_Seeds_median</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with fruit and seed tissues. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_PPDB_Leaf_median</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with leaf tissues. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_PPDB_Root_median</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with root tissues. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_PPDB_Seedling_median</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with seedling tissues. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_PPDB_Stem_median</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with stem tissues. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_PPDB_Whole_Plant_median</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with whole plant body parts. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>Octamer_elements</a> </td> <td> A list of the 8mer sequence motifs from PPDB. This table lists each 8mer along with the appropriate median position from the TSS, calculated from all 8mers. </td> </tr> </table> <br> <br> <b> <a name="license" style="color:#666666"> License </a> </b> <br> <p> We would like to thank Dr. Yoshiharu Yamamoto for supplying the data of PPDB (Plant Promoter Database) for <a href="">PromoterCAD</a> & <a href="">GenoCon2</a> competition. License of this work's data is according to the intentions of the PPDB original data source.</a> <br> <a href=""></a> </p>
Update:May 16, 2013
95 Downloads, 16 Applications
This will tell the PromoteCAD Application the external link URL of each gene locus.
Circadian Genomic (DIURNAL + PPDB promoter motif)
Update:May 10, 2013
1351 Downloads, 14 Applications
Circadian Data collected over two days (44 hours) at four hour intervals in various growth conditions. We calculated the Phase of each data by non-linear best fit to a sine wave with a 24 hour period, and similarly calculated the Amplitude. Visually checking the 1000 largest amplitude genes showed a good fit in all cases, though a few genes clearly deviated from sinusoidal behavior. All had a major period of 24 hours. For each gene locus, we added the LDSS motifs as calculated by PPDB. Gene Loci without expression data or motif data were removed from this database. <br><br> <strong>References</strong> (for PPDB):<br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a> <br> <strong>References</strong> (for DIURNAL)<br> <a href=""></a> <br> <br> <br> <b> Descriptions for each data table: </b> <table> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_COL_LDHH</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_COL_SD</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_DD_DDHC</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Dark (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h), and subjected to Dark (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_LDHC</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_LDHH_SM</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h), by using the Smith method. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_LDHH_ST</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h), by using the Stitt method. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_LER_SD</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Ler (Landsberg-ereta) strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_LIGHT5_HIF138_13</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis hif138-13 (HETEROGENOUS INBRED FAMILY 138-13) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_LIGHT5_HIF138_8</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis hif138-8 (HETEROGENOUS INBRED FAMILY 138-8) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_LIGHT5_znknOX</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis tsp-ox (hif138-8) (TANDEM ZINCKNUCKLE PROTEIN-ox) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_LL12_LDHH</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (24h), and subjected to Light (24h) by the Kay method. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_LL23_LDHH</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (24h), and subjected to Light (24h) by the Miller method. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_LLHC</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_LL_LDHC</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h), and subjected to Light (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_LL_LLHC</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h), and subjected to Light (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_lhyox_SD</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis lhy (lhy-ox) (LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL) strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_longday</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Ler strain, grown under the circadian condition of long day light, that is, Light (16h) Dark (8h) by using the Kay method. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_lux_2_LDHH</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis lux-2 (LUX ARRHYTHMO-2) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_phyB9_SD</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis phyB9 (PHYTOCHROME B-9) strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h). </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours_PPDB_shortday</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Ler strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h) by using the Kay method. </td> </tr> </table> <br> <br> <b> <a name="license" style="color:#666666"> License </a> </b> <br> <p> We would like to thank Dr. Yoshiharu Yamamoto for supplying the data of PPDB (Plant Promoter Database) for <a href="">PromoterCAD</a> & <a href="">GenoCon2</a> competition. License of this work's data is according to the intentions of the PPDB original data source.</a> <br> <a href=""></a> </p>
PromoterCAD Data Tables
Update:Apr 26, 2013
98 Downloads, 6 Applications
This will allow the PromoterCAD Application to find the appropriate tools, the input data and the gene rank list.
Rank Lists of Diurnal PPDB
Update:May 10, 2013
247 Downloads, 14 Applications
Lists for the expression of Diurnal and PPDB mashup data table. For each experiment, all genes ranked by circadian amplitude. <br><br> <strong>References</strong> (for PPDB):<br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <strong>References</strong> (for Diurnal)<br> <a href=""></a> <br> <br> <br> <b> Descriptions for each data table: </b> <table> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours PPDB all</a> </td> <td> Lists for the DIURNAL and PPDB mashup data table. For each experiment, the all genes ranked by expression level. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours PPDB GeneRank for MotifCircadian all</a> </td> <td> Lists for the DIURNAL and PPDB (Plant Promoter Database) mashup data table. For each experiment, the all genes ranked by circadian amplitude. </td> </tr> </table> <br> <br> <b> <a name="license" style="color:#666666"> License </a> </b> <br> <p> We would like to thank Dr. Yoshiharu Yamamoto for supplying the data of PPDB (Plant Promoter Database) for <a href="">PromoterCAD</a> & <a href="">GenoCon2</a> competition. License of this work's data is according to the intentions of the PPDB original data source.</a> <br> <a href=""></a> </p>
Rank Lists of AtGenExpress PPDB
Update:May 10, 2013
86 Downloads, 16 Applications
Lists for the expression of AtGenExpress and PPDB mashup data table. For each experiment, all genes ranked by expression level. <br><br> <strong>References</strong> (for PPDB):<br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <strong>References</strong> (for AtGenExpress)<br> <a href=""></a> <br> <br> <br> <b> Descriptions for each data table: </b> <table> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_PPDB_all</a> </td> <td> Lists for the AtGenExpress and PPDB (Plant Promoter Database) mashup data table. For each experiment, the all genes ranked by expression level. </td> </tr> </table> <br> <br> <b> <a name="license" style="color:#666666"> License </a> </b> <br> <p> We would like to thank Dr. Yoshiharu Yamamoto for supplying the data of PPDB (Plant Promoter Database) for <a href="">PromoterCAD</a> & <a href="">GenoCon2</a> competition. License of this work's data is according to the intentions of the PPDB original data source.</a> <br> <a href=""></a> </p>
Rank Lists of Diurnal ATTED
Update:Mar 7, 2013
210 Downloads, 14 Applications
Lists for the expression of Diurnal and ATTED-II mashup data table. For each experiment, all genes ranked by circadian amplitude. <br><br> <strong>References</strong> (for ATTED-II):<br> <a href=""></a><br> <strong>References</strong> (for Diurnal)<br> <a href=""></a> <br> <br> <br> <b> Descriptions for each data table: </b> <table> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours ATTED all</a> </td> <td> Lists for the DIURNAL and ATTED-II mashup data table. For each experiment, the all genes ranked by expression level. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>DiurnalHours ATTED GeneRank for MotifCircadian all</a> </td> <td> Lists for the DIURNAL and ATTED-II (Plant Promoter Database) mashup data table. For each experiment, the all genes ranked by circadian amplitude. </td> </tr> </table>
Developmental Coexpression (AtGenExpress gene expression + ATTED-II promoter motif) median
Update:May 1, 2013
871 Downloads, 16 Applications
Developmental Microarray Expression Data (AtGenExpress) of plant developmental tissues, combined with CEG coexpression analysis regulatory (7mer) motif calculations (ATTED-II). We took the median of triplicate measurements from AtGenExpress, then sorted the developmental series into plant organs (Flower, Leaf, Root, Stem, Fruit & Seeds), with one category for seedlings (8 days old or less) and another for whole plants (older than 8 days). Gene Loci without expression data or motif data were removed from this database. <br><br> <strong>References</strong> (for ATTED-II):<br> <a href=""></a><br> <strong>References</strong> (for AtGenExpress)<br> <a href=""></a> <br> <br> <br> <b> Descriptions for each data table: </b> <table> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_ATTED_Flowering_median</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with flowering tissues. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_ATTED_Fruit_Seeds_median</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with fruit and seed tissues. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_ATTED_Leaf_median</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with leaf tissues. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_ATTED_Root_median</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with root tissues. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_ATTED_Seedling_median</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with seedling tissues. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_ATTED_Stem_median</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with stem tissues. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>AtGenExpress_ATTED_Whole_Plant_median</a> </td> <td> <br> This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with whole plant body parts. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=''>Heptamer_elements</a> </td> <td>A list of the 7mer sequence motifs from ATTED-II. This table lists each 7mer along with the calculated CEG value and the position from the TSS of the maximum CEG value.</td> </tr> </table> . </td> </tr> </table>
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